I’m in highschool and most of time,my counselour is absent, so I have a lot of questions. I love music, actually I’m taking clarinet classes in Tijuana.
My dad wants that I get a economic degree, so I was thinking taking a double-degree. And I have like a target UCLA.
Can somebody guide me or share something that I need to know?
Please read this http://www.peabody.jhu.edu/conservatory/admissions/tips/doubledegree.html. It will help you understand better the different paths as a musician. Try to figure out which of these scenarios best fits you. Then ask your questions on the Music Major Forum. Double degrees at UCLA are very difficult as they are in two separate colleges. It is also very competitive for music - have you been studying clarinet privately, or just taking classes? UCLA is conservatory level for music. Do you have the grades and test scores for a school like UCLA and will you be applying as an international student, or will you be graduating from a California high school? If applying as an out of state/international student, will you be able to afford it?