Music Supplement - Indicated "yes" but not sure


When I submitted my CommonApp application, I indicated that I would be submitting a music supplement. Now, after mulling it over and recording several pieces and reviewing what others said about submitting a supplement, I think it might be better not to submit one. Is it better to submit a recording that might not be “on par” with all the other piano recordings, or is it better to call them and tell them that I’ll be retracting my music supplement?

Keep in mind that I’m at Grade 8 ABRSM level, currently working towards a diploma. I don’t intend to study music formally in college.


Don’t submit at a Grade 8 level. I was winning state/national competitions, and when I applied for top-tier schools, many told me they only listened to my recordings after I got accepted.

Generally, I think the recordings have a super limited impact on the application.