Music Supplement

<p>So I sent my music supplement online yesterday. How do I know they received it? Will it show up on my app tracker? and how was I supposed to send the files (mac portable)...ugh i just sent them hoping they will be able to open them up x_x</p>

<p>i don’t recall any supplements showing up on the online tracker. how did you send the files?</p>

<p>Additional info sent does not appear in the tracker. Last year, my son sent in a FedEx package including a CD with piano and bassoon pieces. He tracked the package via FedEx, and later a Music Professor contacted him via e-mail to confirm receipt. BTW he’s now in MITSO!</p>

<p>Actually, to correct myself, the music supplement was sent to MIT as an e-mail with attached files (per MIT’s request). The CD’s were sent to other schools via FedEx.</p>

<p>but through sending it through email with attached files, a music professor from MIT confirmed receipt?</p>

<p>That’d make sense, wouldn’t it? “Re:”</p>