Musicians and Parents - Introduce yourself!

<p>And welcome from another viola mom, S is in his 3rd year in viola performance, planning to apply for his MM next year. Feel free to ask questions, happy to share our experiences.</p>

<p>To add to what that one ^ said. (That one being my lovely and amazing mother, without whom I probably would not have survived the application and audition process.) I am going to be taking a bunch of lessons at a bunch of schools in the coming months, so I can report on the teachers (Atar Arad at IU, Schotten at UMich, Robert Vernon at CIM, if he ever replies to me). Also, I am at Eastman right now, so I have some decent insights into the many aspects of conservatory life and Eastman in particular. I play viola, but that doesnā€™t mean that people who play other instruments should refrain from asking questions about the Eastman Faculty for their specific instrument.</p>

<p>Freshman in horn performance at the University of Alabama. Roll Tide!</p>

<p>kudos to you, lukeg, for recognizing your mother and the support she has given you! Best of you in the music application process.</p>

<p>Hi all, DD auditioning now for Oboe performance (also plays the English Horn). Looking at Eastman, Oberlin, Hartt, Miamiohio, UDEL, Michigan, Ithaca. So far have completed an audition at Hartt and Oberlin. If anyone has any thoughts on any of those schools Iā€™d love to hear it. DD loved Oberlin. Hartt the professor was awesome. BTW for those of you thinking about Hartt but turned off by Hartford: West Hartford is 5min away and has an amazing downtown. Look up Blueback square. I grew up there.</p>

<p>Hi everyone.I am the father of a composition applicant who is also a pretty fair violinist. Waiting to hear early review results from Oberlin. He has as of now also applied to NEC, University of Missouri, and SMU. More may be sent out depending on Oberlin application results. I do not play an instrument although since I have listened to a great variety of music most of my life, I can hold my own in a music conversation. That is until the theory comes up and then I am lost.</p>

<p>Iā€™m a mom who has a senior wanting to major in vocal performance. Does anyone have information about LSU, UNT, Texas Tech, or Stephen F. Austin?</p>

<p>Hi everyone. I am a soprano senior and I want to major in vocal performance. I am auditioning at UMiami, Michigan State, Syracuse, UMich, Vanderbilt, Florida State and am waiting to hear from Rice, BU, Northwestern, and Indiana.</p>

<p>Hi Everyone,</p>

<p>With help from all of you, two of mine are in college and one to go - but music school is proving to be a whole different story! In the Dark Ages, I attended a conservatory but didnā€™t have to jump through so many hoops! Prescreens!!! Argh. This past summer I had thought we were prepared for the application process, but with all of the technological issues, Iā€™m two shades grayer! Daughter hopes to be a voice major. We shall see what happens.<br>
Thanks to all of you for your invaluable advice!!</p>

<p>Nice to hear from all the other viola parents (and you, lukeg!) Cookerdee, our kids probably know each other, or at least they will probably meet up on the audition trail.</p>

<p>Question for you allā€“how likely is it that we will be able to schedule sample lessons during audition weekends? Some schools are just too far away for us to make the same trip twice.</p>

<p>Son is reapplying in composition. Last year he didnā€™t get accepted to his first choice and decided to take a year of studying and writing music, took SATā€™s again, improved essays and here we are, undergoing this grueling process again. Good luck to all. Oldest child is D1 athlete and engineering junior, so this process is quite different. I read all of your posts during my sleepless angst filled nights. I donā€™t know if it helps that much, since many posters on here seem very highly qualified. Again, good luck to all in the pursuit of affordable music education!!!</p>

<p>Best to your son, lake4.
I give your son (and family) credit for regrouping. It must not have been easy for your son to decide to defer his education for a year but I bet he will have better options after his additional study.</p>

<p>Wish the best to everyone here on CC.</p>

<p>Hi! D is going to major in music ed/viola and her auditions start this week. She applied to Crane, Fredonia, Aaron Copland School of Music/CUNY Queens, SUNY Stony Brook. Does anyone know anything about West Chester U School of Music in Pennsylvania? No one at her h.s. knows anything about it. She saw their brochures and videos and applied, but we havenā€™t visited it yet.</p>

<p>Hi Stradmom. My daughter is very keen on studying Viola at Bard. What has Dā€™s experience been thus far? Who is she studying with? Would she have any advice in terms of teachers?
Thank you!</p>


<p>I have a sophomore son who is considering major in music. Heā€™s a singer (baritone). m I have no experience in that area. I majored in history and have no musical ability whatsoever (that gene comes from my husband). I have read a number of the discussions here and found them very helpful. </p>

<p>Son is not interested in conservatories, wanting more of a traditional college experience. He isnā€™t sure if he wants to major in performance or some other area. He might enjoy the technology/engineering side of things. He isnā€™t as sure if he would like teaching, but he may have some opportunity to assist with the beginning and intermediate choirs at his school over the next couple of years, which should be helpful.</p>

<p>My 8th grade daughter is also musical and has mentioned possibly majoring in music. She plays sax, and has also had several years of piano. She has specifically said sheā€™d like to study music educationā€“I suspect partly because of her current band teacher who is very young and enthusiastic, and D likes her very much. But I think D could have a good teaching personality. </p>

<p>At this point, they could both change their minds. I am pretty sure son will participate in music in college in some capacity, though. So Iā€™ll keep reading all of the wise advice here and maybe ask a few questions along the way.</p>

<p>broadwaydad - D2 is not a music major, so Iā€™m not sure about conservatory choices, but she studies with Marka Gustavsson (Colorado Quartet), who is very supportive and has been exactly the teacher D needed at this point in her musical life. There have been master classes and studio classes that D has gotten to participate in, even as a nonmajor ā€œrecreationalā€ violist. </p>

<p>As a violist, your D would be in great demand for both orchestra and chamber groups - not to mention other opportunities such as student composition readings etc. Good luck!</p>

<p>Broadwaydaddy - I second Stradmom - violists are in high demand at Bard. My son, who is co-director of the independent New Music ensemble at Bard - Contemporaneous, says the more violists the better!</p>

<p>I knew that boy had good taste!</p>


So true!</p>

<p>My D4, a recreational violist, has applied to Bard (not the conservatory.) We went up to visit and she loved it, and I did too. Fingers crossed about that one.</p>

<p>Itā€™s wonderful to see so many violists (and viola parents) on this thread! :slight_smile: As you can see by my username, I am also a violist, and I am hoping to attend one of the six conservatories at which I am auditioning this year! Iā€™ve been a lurker for a while now and have gained a lot of insight from this boardā€¦thanks to all of you wonderful musical posters. :slight_smile: I figured it was finally time I join in the discussion.
Hello! :)</p>