Musicians and Parents - Introduce yourself!

<p>I'm glad to hear that Juilliard does give merit scholarships; my "source" for the information that they do not was the head of the piano department at an admissions session. Perhaps it depends on the instrument.<br>
Bard has thus far offered generous scholarships to many of the admittees to its conservatory, including full rides. It is very small -- under 50 students (5 pianists), aiming at a total of 150 students when full sized.</p>

<p>I think the post was trying to guess WHICH Ohio school had already offered my DS half-tuition. Ohio schools do NOT offer half tuition. DS has an offer already as a junior for half-tuition at the university where he takes private lessons.</p>

<p>Thank you so much for all of the music advice. I am really kind of anxious about all of this and all of you CCrs have already made me feel so much better.</p>

<p>Yes, Momnipotent was right. I didn't mean to imply that Ohio schools gave half tuition. Momnipotent said her S had been offered half-tuition at a local university, and I noticed that she was from Ohio. So I was naming a couple Ohio schools she <em>might</em> be referring to - saying that half-tuition at certain Ohio schools would be a very good thing indeed!</p>

<p>Sorry for the confusion.</p>

<p>Hi everyone! I'm actually a freshman Theatre Performance major at Oklahoma City University (OCU) and I've decided that vocal pedagogy is more of a path that I'd like to go. I'm preparing for an upcoming audition for OCU's BM Vocal Music Ed program and evaluating possible options for graduate vocal pedagogy/vocal music education programs! :)</p>

<p>Hello, I'm a sophmore at the University of California, San Diego. I am a interdisicplinary computing in the arts major, which focuses on incorporating music with forefront technology. If you have any questions reguarding this new field, let me know.</p>

I am a mother of 3 (as name implies). I have a DD16 who is a HS junior french horn player. She will hopefully be attending Ithaca as a Music Performance and Education major. Also on our list of potential schools is Crane, Eastman, SUNY Fredonia, and maybe Penn. DD also sings in the school choir and select choirs, is involved in a community band during the summer, sings in the school musicals, and has the lead in her HS play this year. Although she will be working toward a degree in teaching I know that in her wildest dreams she would love to work on Broadway in some capacity, either as an onstage actor/singer or in the pit orchestra. I also know that one of her dreams is to someday work with John Williams.</p>

<p>I have another DD12 who plays clarinet (although not seriously) and she hopes to become a professional dancer/studio owner. Currently she takes around 8 hours a week of dance training in ballet, tap, jazz, hip hop, and clogging and she is also an assistant teacher. We are very very busy!! </p>

<p>My 3rd child is a son who will be 2 in January!!! People are always shocked at the age gap but this is a prime example of early empty nest syndrome!! He loves music and dancing and is known to steal his big sis' Ipod so he can listen to it. </p>

<p>Neither my husband or I are really musically inclined. We both love music and I love to sing (but badly) but other than that I have no idea where these kids got their gifts.</p>

<p>Bumping for Newbies! Inquiring minds want to know....</p>

I'm Mom of a DD mezzo senior in HS starting on the audition marathon. There is no one else in the family in the music business. Some grandparents, great grandparents and others have played instruments, some have sung for fun. I like to say I am a cub scout singer. I go directionly correct loudly and get a bunch of little boys to go along with me :) </p>

<p>DD is the only one in family to be serious. Her teacher is convinced she has a good shot for a good school and she is one of top scores in the state. So we'll go for it. A bit overwhelming but here we go!</p>

<p>Good luck to your D, Singersmom07! Please keep us posted.</p>

<p>Singersmom- My D is a senior at Rice and is also a mezzo (vocal performance major). Let me know if I or she can be of any help to you. She auditioned for and was accepted to many of the top programs. No other musicians in our family, either. (she thinks she was switched at birth)</p>

<p>DS-2. karate guy, ok in school, some LD/ADD issues. trumpet player soloist -hs marching band, jazz band etc. Stopped in college. BA from Rutgers. Just got JD from Seton Hall Law, passed NY NJ bar, has wonderful first job. (yeah!!!)
DD-21. senior at Juilliard. started trumpet in 3rd grade to be like DS. Great at academics, also trained karate. youth orchestra player, did regions only 8th grade and 12th. Went to Kinhaven Camp (wonderful for her) and one summer - per teacher suggestion-at Interlochen before auditions. Now about to look at masters programs, along with auditioning for orchestra positions.
DD-17. longtime cello player with great local teacher. would never play professionally, take classes in college etc. Wants to major in anthropology. (aggh-not many schools) She needs small classes, nice, friendly non-snob students, we need low cost after fin. aid.
Check out youtube videos for some funny bits by the Juilliard Horn section.
Financial aid at J-yard is dependent on playing, need of instrument, and EFC etc. That said, I have been told that more $ offered to masters degree students.</p>

<p>Hey, I'm familiar with most here. I'm Patrick and a senior...I am a tenor, and I am applying and auditioning this year for a B.Mus. in Voice and Opera Performance.</p>

<p>OldinJersey - thanks for the tip about youtubes. I had no idea they were there. My kid was only in one of the videos, but it was fun to see.</p>

<p>I'm a high school senior... I'm hoping to do a jazz major. My main isntrument is electric bass, but I am picking up the double bass very quickly... I whould be somewhat proficient in a few months.</p>

<p>I'm looking at University of Miami and UNF... (Rollins college as a backup).</p>

<p>I'm a senior as well, from Japan, looking into music technology. I can play the piano well but since I did not take classes for the last 2-3 years due to intensive academics and family stuff I don't think I can compete with applicants to performance majors. I do however have interest in synthesizers and all that good stuff...and I have good hearing skills and can arrange almost anything, as well as memorize music easily..also have absolute hearing although what the use of that is I do not </p>

<p>Main prob. for me is money, The only conservatory I applied to is Oberlin becuase of their awesome TIMARA program, if I ever get in with lots of aid I'm going doubt. Music = life for me.</p>

<p>These introductions are a great idea, so here goes: I'm the mother of a freshman oboist at UMich; she currently also doing the double degree program (maybe in comp. lit). Our son is a junior at Princeton, majoring in physics, but also keeping up his violin by playing in the Sinfonia orchestra.</p>

<p>Senior in HS
Studying contrabass at Juilliard</p>

<p>senior in HS (despite the sn)
piano student @ local music school... will keep up as non-major in college.</p>

<p>I think everyone knows me by now .........piano - playing D majoring in History at Hiram College , and HS S who also played piano , then switch to stuying seriously electric bass for three years , only studied Double Bass seriously for a year and he plays in Community Orchestra as well as his school Orchestra . After planning to major in Physics for many years , he did a last minute double - whammy on us and decides he wants to major in Performance in Double Bass ( a very tall order , I think but his private instructor says not ) at college so he has been looking for low-key Music schools that might accept him. He does have great stats academically . Thanks for everyone who gave great advice to me on this board .</p>