Musicians and Parents - Introduce yourself!

<p>Hi there! I am a senior in HS planning on being a vocal performance major. I have been studying voice for about 6.5 years. I take part in local choirs, musical theater performances and solo work. I also play a bit of piano and played flute for about 3 years but I haven't picked it up for a few years.</p>

<p>I'm the mom of a mezzo with 2 auditions down (and 2 acceptances! hooray!) and 3 or 4 to go. DD plans to double-major in music (performance) and languages? and hopes to eventually teach at the college level.</p>

<p>I owe a BIG thank-you to everyone for all the helpful info. over these past months. You have made the process less frightening and I've been able to be more supportive as a result. Thanks!</p>


<p>if you don't mind sharing the info, I would like to know which schools send out acceptances this early in the admissions cycle. Having an acceptance or two in the back pocket can do wonders for a student's confidence going into the big Janunuary-February audition season. I have mentioned Oberlin's early review in this context, but it would be nice to know of other schools that give applicants the reassurance that they have a guaranteed spot somewhere in December or earlier.</p>

<p>Appalachian State has rolling admission and multiple audition dates. DD auditioned Dec. 2nd and heard back within a week. She also auditioned for Emory early and was accepted. (Won't hear about University admission for a while, tho'). Other auditions come in January, weather permitting. ! </p>

<p>BassDad, lorelei and others, thanks again for all you have shared about music, musicians, and the audition process. Great advice from those who've travelled this road.</p>

<p>My youngest D is a high school senior. She plays flute and piano. She plans to major in Music Ed.</p>

<p>bumping for the new folks. </p>

<p>waiting waiting til April.</p>

<p>Well, I guess, people here are sick enough of me answering all my questions lately. ;-)</p>

<p>Anyway: the mom of the piano and violin playing, choir-singing junior who thinks about double-majoring or minoring in music along with languages or linguistics, but isn't sure yet about her plans.</p>

My youngest D is a high school senior. She plays flute and piano. She plans to major in Music Ed.


<p>Edit to add she just received her letter saying she has been admitted to the School of Music at the University of Tennessee.</p>

<p>Hi All!</p>

<p>I've been a longtime lurker to this site and it has provided my DD and I with tons of priceless information. She has auditioned at Hartt, Crane & Ithaca as a Music Ed Voice Major. Will keep you posted as we hear and thanks to everyone for your genuinely helpful and knowledgeable posts.</p>

<p>BTW, we're from Long Island, NY.</p>


<p>Longtime lurker to this site to begin gathering knowledge. DD is a hs Soph. that want to major in vocal performance. I am a computer geek and don't even know what are the right questions to ask. Appreciate learning from others seeking knowledge of this process.
CC was a great resourse for me 2 years ago when other DD was in process of applying for Aerospace Eng. I'm confident CC will also be a big help for Voice. As we get closer to senior year, I am sure I will have questions. For now I will "lurk and learn".</p>

<p>I'm a high school sophomore considering a double major in piano performance (or something else, because I'm not too talented) along with something math-y. I mostly troll this part of CC because I ... like piano, and because I applied to BUTI (with a very small chance of admission, but applied nonetheless).</p>

<p>My youngest S is a hs junior. We're just about to immerse ourselves in this process. So far, CC has proven to be full of interesting information and I look forward to sharing this scary though exciting experience with others. I don't know many parents going through this process (most that I know have kids going to college in liberal arts or sciences) so it is very reassuring to know that I have a place to turn for information. </p>

<p>We have visited Manhattan School of Music (very crowded, but a nice atmosphere), Julliard (my S was completely put off - probably scared- by the cold building and impersonal tour) and University of Md. (very attractive buildings, nice admissions office - we had a positive reaction). We are about to go to Northwestern, Michigan and Cleveland Inst. over spring break and he will play for teachers in each of these - he's biting his nails and practising hard! I'll let you know what our reaction was.</p>

<p>S is reserved and quite young for his age - I worry about sending him away, but he thinks he's ready.......we'll see.</p>

<p>I'm a senior in HS and I'm applying/auditioning for piano performance programs. My last audition was a few weeks ago... To be honest, I enjoyed auditioning more than waiting... I don't know if I can wait until April!! I go to MSM precollege and attended Eastern Music Festival last year (and I'm returning this year) I applied to (in no specific order)</p>

<p>Manhattan School of Music
Northwestern U</p>

<p>Hopefully I will get into a few of them.</p>

I have two daughters. One is a freshman in college, majoring in Music Theater with a strong instrumental background (french horn, piano). Other daughter is a soph in hs, looking to major in flute (performance?)....which is why I am now lurking on this thread more than the musical theater thread!!</p>

<p>welcome to CC stringfollies! There are a bunch of us 08 music parents in the same boat, getting ready to fasten our seat belts for the ride ahead. (My Jr daughter's a string player too -- violin.)</p>

<p>notfromme--I remember first lurking here a couple of years ago before CC started the music thread, and MT was where ALL the action (and info) was then! This board is a terrific resource.</p>

<p>pianoman--good luck with auditions and waiting!</p>

<p>My D is a senior and planning on majoring in saxophone performance. She's been accepted at (alpha!) Arizona State, CU- Boulder, Northwestern and USC. So aside from the financial aspect (she's got either partial or full rides at all schools) how does one "rank" the various programs? ? ? One has a legendary professor, another has a professor that 'really' wants her in their sax studio. US News used to rank music schools, but aside from NW, how do the others rate? Can someone help?</p>

<p>I'm bumping up this thread because I've noticed a few new names recently, and hope they stop by to introduce themselves!</p>

<p>I am a High School sophmore who is OBSESSED with music. I play everything, but my main instrument is clarinet. Bassoon is my secondary instrument. Flute and trumpet are next, then the saxes. Mellophone and horn are in there somewhere too.</p>

<p>I plan to attend a conservatory, but I am still thinking about maybe doing a major university because I love math too, and am thinking about a double major in performance and math.</p>

<p>I never noticed this thread before, so thanks, binx, for the bump.</p>

<p>I'm a mom; son is a Junior bass-baritone who is serious about classical music but not opera--he's an ensemble guy and excellent sight reader--his voice seems really suited for early opera (Purcell, Handel) and he'd love a bass solo in a Bach or Mozart oratorio (did the bass solo in Faure Requiem recently) and is beginning to really like the art of song (Schubert, Schumann, and wants to do the Butterworth setting of A Shropshire Lad). Loves the early guys and the contemporary classical composers, too. Ideal life: singing with the Kings Singers, The Sixteen, or both, and teaching choral music. Has sung in England with our local choir of Men and Boys (and mixed teens) several times, including this summer. Is thinking Bachelor of Arts with music major, or even the daunting double major, as he likes literature and history, too. Does MT at high school because it's a wonderful program with a really tight group of kids, but he is not aiming for the stage as a career.</p>

<p>Yes, thanks binx, for the bump.</p>

<p>I am a mother of a 16 y.o., HS sophomore cellist who is definately planning a cello perf. career (at least at this point). Until I discovered this board 4 weeks ago, I would still be struggling with direction for helping my son "find his way" through this college search process. We have received a great deal of help from others on the board who've "been there, done that." </p>

<p>We live in the 'burbs of Chicago, and with the encouragement from several thoughtful folks here, we contacted Hans Jensen, Prof. of Cello at Northwestern in Evanston. My S. had a lesson/evaluation this past Sat. and Mr. Jensen agreed to take him on as a student beginning in the fall. My s. is very excited to begin studying with him. So much so, he practiced yesterday, on his own! (w/o me prodding him.)</p>

<p>Thanks to everyone for the suggestions and advice.</p>