Musicians and Parents - Introduce yourself!

thank you! oh really? how do you know this?</p>

<p>@violindad thanks for your response. I am glad to hear all doors are still open to consider. Its so hard to get to all the schools we would like to consider and have tours and sample lessons. I am concerned about applying to a school without having visited for her to get a feel of the school and teachers. This is such a long and complicated process.</p>

<p>KimchiBoy, because we know people who are in the program or who went through the audition process. But this info is a few years old;it may have changed.</p>

<p>oh i see :)</p>

<p>Anyone know when Thornton sends out decisions?</p>

<p>TrumpetDad, I just talked with my son about your questions. He did not know any jazz composers personally but felt he could say this about LOYNO: There werenā€™t any more school-sponsored opportunities for jazz composers than there were for classical composers. However, there was a very active student-led effort to play new music amongst the jazz composers and musicians at the school. He said that they were frequently getting together and arranging for new works to be heard; his feeling was that this was very different than on the classical side.</p>

<p>Congrats to your musician for acceptance and scholarship! I had very fond feelings for the school as well as the city and am sure that itā€™s a great place for the right folks.</p>

<p>Does any one have any thoughts on The Music Conservatory in Chicago? Or other schools in chicago for piano performance.</p>

<p>Thanks, KnittingGene.</p>

<p>Asalmon: If youā€™re referring to the Chicago Conservatory of Performing Arts Iā€™d say thatā€™s a decent music school from what Iā€™ve gathered. I have a family friend who went there for free for harp performance because she got into Juilliard and Chicago really wanted her so they made her that offer. She is VERY GOOD at harp, but then again I think she was also offered some kind of scholarship at Juilliard so itā€™s inevitable that she would be, thus I donā€™t know what the balance is with her between her schooling and her talent.</p>

<p>The best music school in the Chicago area is Northwestern University Bienen School of Music. Itā€™s hard to get in there without having Northwestern grades and fantastic musical ability, but it can be done on music alone.</p>

<p>Thank you, KnittingGene for sharing your sonā€™s insight about LoyolaNO. Best of luck to him at his next stop!</p>

<p>Thanks so much, dpr2college - this weekend is SF Conservatory and then off to the East Coast!</p>

<p>For Juilliard live audition, do the judges listen to EVERYTHING (all of 1st mvt, etc.)?</p>

<p>They might not, but you canā€™t count on that. Panels are notorious for either cutting you off right before the part you really practiced or for not cutting you off right before the part you really hoped they wouldnā€™t want to hear. :)</p>

<p>At Juilliard and most other programs the judges will not listen to everything. They could not fit all that into the limited time they have. Once they have determined what they want to know from your playing of a given piece, they will stop you and move on to something else. You may be allowed to choose the first piece that you play. After that they will generally tell you what they want to hear next and it can be unpredictable, so you still need to prepare as if you will be playing everything.</p>

<p>Thank you so much for the responses! One more question: Do the judges tell you to play from the beginning or will they ask for specific parts?</p>

<p>Usually you are asked to start from the beginning. I have never heard of anyone being asked to start part-way through, although Iā€™m sure it occasionally happens. When it does happen, Iā€™m sure that the starting place is a very clear, easy and obvious one (e.g. begin at the cadenza or the recapitulation). My experience is primarily with string and piano auditions in which all rep is memorized. I suspect that with the less competitive instruments in which audition rep is often not memorized, requests to start at various measure numbers occur occasionally. The judges are well aware of audition nerves and almost always do their best not to add to the anxietyā€“they genuinely do want each auditioner to perform their best.</p>

<p>Planning trip to hartt, BU, and NEC. Any suggestions who to try to schedule for a sample lesson for undergrad piano performance major </p>


<p>At Hartt, I have a friend who studied with David Westphal for a while and had a positive experience.</p>

<p>Iā€™m a junior in high school, Iā€™ve decided to major in voice performance (Iā€™m a tenor)</p>

<p>Hi all,
I am mom to a bass clarinet player who is a freshman in h.s., so we are just starting our journey. Hopefully, by starting now, weā€™ll be better prepared for senior year and auditions. Thanks to all on here for the wealth of fantastic information!</p>