Musicians and Parents - Introduce yourself!

<p>Hi all,
Yesterday I gained admission to the University of Michigan School of Music, Theatre, & Dance for music production (Performing Arts Technology). I am a DJ/producer of electronic and hip-hop, which is probably not the most common thing, but yeah. I auditioned on piano, and showed my DJing skills on turntables and MPC. I’m really excited for that.</p>

<p>I’ll also be in LS&A as an English major probably.</p>

<p>Congratulations, aahs12! You might want to post this on the acceptance thread as well (if you haven’t already - I could have missed it) and then it will be added to the master list. A million years ago I got my undergrad in English, a decision I will never regret. Good writing and critical skills are so important! Good luck to you in all of your pursuits.</p>

<p>aahs12, congratulations. I have included you in the master list. Can you tell me which degree under Performing Arts Technology you would be working toward? It appears that they have BM, BS and BFA options. Is this a dual degree program with a separate degree in English (which I assume would be a BA) or is it a dual major program with only one degree awarded?</p>

<p>Mom of one S. S is a sophomore at HS now, and wanting to be a pianist. S studies piano since he is 7. Never be serious about it until about two years ago.
We live in Cincinnati, so UC -CCM would be our first option. However, we want to try more options if possible. I don’t know any music. Please help me…</p>

<p>Are you looking to stay in-state? If so, there are a few other good music schools in Ohio, like Bowling Green State. Others on the forum live in Ohio and can help you better than me.</p>

<p>A forum for violists would be very helpful indeed. Right now I don’t even know where to start. I’m finally getting the basics down navigating the threads and I’m learning things every time I follow one but it’s been very scatter shot at best.</p>

<p>Hey everyone! </p>

<p>I am a current Music Major in the Sunderman Conservatory. I am a cellist, I’ve been playing for 11 years and I have already gone through the audition process so I’m just here to help!</p>

<p>sunyang70 in Ohio there is CCM of course, also Oberlin - those two probably top.Lots of other choices like DePauw (in Indiana), Bowling Green State, OSU, Capital U. A lot depends on academics as well as piano talent since Ohio doesn’t have any standalone conservatories that don’t consider academic grades at all (as far as I know).</p>

<p>Hello All. Music Mom here. My son will be a Freshman Music Ed Major next year…still waiting for financial aid and scholarships to narrow down the last three schools. Any questions on the audition process and schools in the northeast, we can probably help. He is both a viola and voice major.</p>

<p>Welcome MusicMomNY. There are really a lot of violists and viola parents on the boards this year. Good luck to your son! We will now induct you into Secret Society of CC Violists (SSCCV) ;-)</p>

<p>I’ve lurked around enough to get properly worried but a little smarter, too. :)</p>

<p>My daughter is a junior and searching for a good harp performance match for her. She has sufficient grades to get into most schools and the majority of her ECs are related to her focus on music. </p>

<p>Any harp specific advice would be warmly received.</p>

<p>Is she looking for a French or Salzedo style teacher?
Indiana, Eastman, Oberlin, Univ. of Michigan<br>
FYI- Hartt was recently offering a pretty amazing scholarship for a harpist. I have seen them offer this before.
Lynne Aspnes at ASU Herbiger is a pretty amazing teacher. She used to be at Univ. of Michigan. (I am the harpist. Not my kid.) Where does her current teacher thing she should go? Have she done any of the amzaing summer harp programs that are out there?
You can p.m. me if you like.</p>

<p>Emaruu, One more thing-The American Harp Society publishes a list of who teaches at each of the colleges and universities. They come out with this list every few years. It might even be available online. You might also try posting on Harp to get other advice from harpists about where you might want to look.</p>

<p>First, I tripped onto this website at the start of the music journey for our student and it has proven invaluable. With two parents as clueless about the performance world as could possibly be and with little to no knowledge of this niche in college searches, this website has been a consistent “go to.” </p>

<p>Freshman class of 2012 percussionist-classical performance with a possible addition of theory. </p>

<p>Total auditions for college-nine. All but one was a live audition due to family emergency. Three true safety schools (including one in state public) followed by Eastman, Juilliard, Peabody, BU, BOCO, NEC.</p>

<p>Now scheduling visits to BU, NEC, and Hartt for the first week in April. Any suggestions on hotels and other tips for prospective piano performance major.</p>

<p>BU and NEC, we stayed at the Hilton Back Bay and found it super convenient. A block away is PF Changs, Cheesecake factory and several affordable quick bite options. Allow ample travel time to BU as traffic can be unpredictable. Boston is also fairly easy to drive in. Across from NEC is a Panera which came in handy as I waited for my child to finish the audition. If you drive, take plenty of quarters! Parking meters are costly and meter maids are everywhere.</p>

<p>asalmon, unless you regularly drive in crowded cities, you may find that you do not agree with crazymusicmom’s assertion that Boston is fairly easy to drive in. Coming from the New York city suburbs, I find driving in Boston to be not much different from driving in lower Manhattan. If that is considered fairly easy, I guess I should stay away from anywhere she would find challenging.</p>

<p>We too stayed at Back Bay Hilton. We left plenty of time and walked to BU and to everywhere else since it was beautiful weather. But we drove to Tufts. I recommend checking out the classical music scene. We went to a Boston Symphony Orchestra performance - got box seats ahead of time - and it was amazing. There’s plenty of free performances at the schools. Here’s a link that worked for me: [The</a> Boston Musical Intelligencer Concert & Event Calendar](<a href=“]The”>Concert & Event Calendar - The Boston Musical Intelligencer)</p>

<p>I wanted to clarify the ease of driving that I expressed towards the future Boston visitor. No, it’s not going to be small town America or even mid-size America driving, but if you can navigate a GPS it’s not that horrible. Manhattan is horrible due to the taxis and well the entire premise if you enter the street it’s at your own risk. Biggest tip is as you are leaving airport and come out of the tunnel merging onto the interstate, get over to the right ASAP as your exit is very quick. If you can drive in cities such as St. Louis or Memphis or even Dallas, you can drive in Boston. Enjoy the visit!</p>

<p>Thanks for the suggestions and I do not mind city driving. I am also wondering if the other pianist have ideas to help with sore hands and forearms from so much practicing daughter is experiencing some tenderness. </p>

<p>We have appts set up with BU and Hartt but still waiting to hear from NEC</p>