Musicians and Parents - Introduce yourself!

<p>Asalmon, not an immediate fix by any means but to prevent future injury, lap swimming may be a good idea. Don’t overdo it because girls tend to get shoulder injuries fairly easily from butterfly, etc but I was a swimmer for a long time and consequently I’ve never had any stress injuries from playing piano.</p>

<p>I was already planning on suggesting the Colonnade to Boston visitors, but before I could write, S called and said that power is out through the Back Bay and surrounding area due to an electical fire at the Back Bay Hilton. If the Hilton does not work out and you book the Colonnade, do it through NEC’s website. There is a substantial discount. Be aware, though, that hotel rates go up and rooms are scarce during the Boston Marathon which I think is on or around April 16th this year.</p>

<p>We have never rented a car in Boston and very seldom even take cabs. It is very easy to get around by train or walking. Best to burn the calories and save the $ for all those great Back Bay restaurants.</p>

<p>Correction - fire not in Hilton, but an adjacent building. Hilton was evacuated due to smoke.</p>

<p>We have stayed at The Elliot Hotel several times while my S did a summer program at Berklee and did his audition there in November. It is in the Back Bay area. It is a fabulous boutique type hotel. Great service and wonderful restaurant. Both times I managed to get a great deal on rates after mentioning the Berklee connection. I love it there!</p>

<p>Hey all, my name is Soraya, I’m currently an unhappy undecided student at Brooklyn College. I am a classical soprano and I recently auditioned at SUNY Purchase and will soon be going for my audition at SUNY Fredonia. Sorry I’m so late to join in but I have been reading these posts since my junior year of high school! You have all been incredibly helpful!</p>

<p>Hi Wishiwasamezzo! Please consider contacting the board moderator and asking to have them edit your first name out of your introductory post; the music world is very small and maintaining some anonymity here can be beneficial. Good luck on your auditions!</p>

<p>We have decided to stay at the Buckminster on Beacon. It’s a historic hotel and half way between NEC and BU. Good rates. We can tell you what we think when we return. Power outage is making communication difficult!</p>

<p>asalmon, we stayed at the Buckminster at the end of February for the BU audition. I thought it was fine–the room was very large for the price (one bedroom suite), not super-modern, could have used some updating, but clean, the front desk was quite accommodating, and the location was great.</p>

<p>I have been a regular visitor of this forum for the last few months (at the least) but never contributed to/participated in the discussions. I, like many others here, thoroughly enjoyed them, immensely benefitted from them, (quietly) shared the ups and the downs of the musical journeys of our children and gratefully appreciated the contributions and advice of many people such as BassDad, Mezzo’sMom (too many to list here). I used to be a regular visitor to the CC (Top CC colleges, Ivy Schools and other forums) for few months few years ago when our first child was going through the admission process but never visited those sites after that. But I have a feeling, I and my daughter in particular (who is pursuing BM, Performance/Classical Voice and Music Education) will be a regular visitor here for many years to come (since many of the posts address topics way beyond undergrad admissions, including grad school admissions and career). Sorry, too long of an introduction.</p>

<p>I will post my daughter’s admissions in the appropriate thread. I also have some basic questions and I could not find clear answers to them so far. I will post them as separate threads as that may benefit many people. Thanks again to all of you.</p>

<p>Welcome Dad22kds! I echo your sentiments about the valuable information that so many here have contributed!</p>

<p>My son is a senior applying to conservatories this year. I found this sight only few weeks ago and have been reading with much interest. My son is a violin performance major and have applied to 9 conservatories. He has heard few negative and few positive answers from the schools he applied but is still waiting to hear from few more. It will be hard to decide which school and which teacher he should choose. I am quite confident whatever decision he makes, it will be the right one for him. My husband and I are not familiar with music studies and feel we have stumbled through hoping to find the right direction for our son. There has been many mistakes but somehow my son has grown to be a serious and very capable aspiring violinist. I am very glad I found this forum where other parents of musical children can share information and support each other.</p>

<p>Octaves. if you would care to report his acceptances over on the <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt; we would love to add him to our list.</p>

<p>I will as soon as we get official notifications. Many acceptances were personal emails or through other people.</p>

<p>I have been reading the postings from CC for awhile, but just recently joined. I have found the postings to be extremely valuable. I am the mom of an Alto Saxophonist who plans to be a performance major, but would like to dual major in music and math. We have been to several live auditions and sent recorded auditions to various colleges. I am appreciative of all that I have learned from all the posters to this site.</p>

<p>I am one of many mothers to an auditioning VP Major. My daughter is a mezzo soprano. This year has been one of the most nervous, stressful, and exciting times of her (OUR) life. I am so glad that it is almost over and that we have received some fantastic news along the way!</p>

<p>Mom- HS Junior grad year 2013- Male</p>

<p>Interested in being a composition major specializing in Media writing/film scoring/music production - Interested in any/all advice. Looking for small/mid sized school.
AP theory exam this spring - 5 expected. independent study confirmed with nationally known composer/arranger for Sr. year.</p>

<p>Instruments - percussion/horn and anything else ie accordion, guitar, uke anything he picks up.</p>

<p>Musicguymom, if he’s looking for a smaller school with film scoring, Berklee might be a good fit. There they have a separate major for film scoring from composition (which I don’t think is very common, but I’m not a composer). I think he could probably double major there too.</p>

<p>Musigguymom, it will depend on what you consider “smaller.” While it is true that Berklee has around 4000 students, smaller than the big state universities, you have to remember that it is strictly a college of music, so in that sense it is fairly large for a music school. Also, during our campus tour, the guide made it clear that a major cannot be declared until after fourth semester, and some areas of study are more selective than others.</p>

<p>I’m a junior in high school, a soprano and I’m learning to play flute. I plan to major in Music Ed or performance and minor in chemistry or forensic anthropology.</p>

<p>Hey everyone.
I am international student and recently got acceptance letter from Portland State Univ, CCM and CCNY Jazz Studies Major(I am playing piano) I couldn’t make decision between CCM and CCNY. Does anyone have some information about these two schools’ jazz program? I don’t see much about CCM’s jazz program in this forum, and CCNY appears to have lots of gen ed. course requirements(compare to other university music schools) Please share info. with me. It will be really helpful to make a decision!!</p>