<p>Nah I completely side with IceQube. There are groups of people that just watch ‘inane’ (definition of an inane youtube video varies, but I do dislike the epic rap battle videos and consider them just dumb lol) youtube videos, and there are groups that talk about how how certain actors are in certain movies. I find both subjects to be extremely not-me, or just plain stupid, or as IceQube put it “below me”. Hence, I’m not friends with those kids and am friends with kids more like myself. (Note: it doesn’t imply that I only enjoy talking about politics or how the stock market is doing, and other people may very well find what I enjoy talking to my friends with ‘below them’. So the criticism on IceQube is pretty uncalled for…) Perhaps I shouldn’t take it for granted? If I can find kids like myself in my high school, you can find them in college for sure.</p>