My appeal letter

hey i am appealing to UCSB, and i havent written my essay yet, however i have thought up a few key ideas i could include in the appeal. I was wondering if these were valid things to help me to reverse the appeal…

  • opting to take a summer school sociology class at a CC, then an art history class monday nights during the second semester school year at the same CC. (my major is sociology, and im thinking about a minor in arthistory)
  • helping my psychology teacher, who will start teaching sociology at our school next year, by helping him draw up a lesson plan for the entire semester by giving him my notes and feedback on the class. i used my own time up during tutorial for about 4 weeks to help him one-on-one
  • donating tons of my time for the annual canned food drive at my school, who by the way currently holds the world record in pounds of food donated, by gettin 1st place for the senior tutorial and 3rd place overall, i was a tutorial rep so i basically just represented my tutorial, went to meetings, organized the times we would collect…stuff like that.

i really havent done much these past few months so those are my desperate attempts at a good appeal letter.
PLEASE give me your feedback, like what i should/should not include…
also… should i say why ucsb is the right school for me? they have a bomb sociology program and thats what i want to focus on, but i wasnt sure if that was a good thing to include. alllrightty thanks

<p>Does anyone know if Harvard is appealable? I know Georgetown is, and they overturn maybe three decisions a year (I feel I am most definitely qualified for Georgetown), but I haven't heard either way on Harvard. I know they didn't inlclude anything in the rejection letter that said "this decision is final" like princeton did, but I imagine overturning decisions is rather rare amongst the elite schools.</p>

<p>LIke the others said, appeals are rarely granted...I hate to be so negative! I spoke directly to an admissions officer at UCSB last week. They are already flooded with appeals and it must contain something they don't already know (if you listed you went to a cc on your app, they already know it).</p>

<p>Recommendation letters must be compelling and substantiate your reason for appeal.</p>

<p>Good luck!!</p>

<p>Well, im terms of difficulty of appealing</p>


<p>All the other ones can be appealed with a very nicely written letter, and commitment that you REALLY want to go to the school.</p>

<p>I know that appealing UCLA is vicious. So is Berkeley. They really want to see something dramatic. Something on the order of winning a pulizer Prize.</p>

<p>"I know that appealing UCLA is vicious. So is Berkeley. They really want to see something dramatic. Something on the order of winning a pulizer Prize."</p>

<p>If you won a pulitzer you would appeal to Harvard and go there.</p>

<p>"Recommendation letters must be compelling and substantiate your reason for appeal."</p>

<p>My first reccomendation letter was amazing. My teacher handed me a copy of it, and it said explicitly that I was one of two or three of the brightest minds he'd come across in more than 20 years of teaching. I know he wasnt' bsing either, the guy is notoriously honest. He completely panned another kid on his reccomendation and handed the kid a copy of it without the slightest hint of awkwardness of essentially sinking this kid's college options (not that hte kid had many in the first place). Is it worth it to get another letter from him? I can't imagine what he'd write other than "what the hell were you folks thinking not admitting him in the first place?" (a letter which he claims to have once written on his own accord after hearing a student hadn't been accepted to Brown).</p>

<p>Hey dude! Make your letter of appeal ASAP and send it. The longer you wait the least likely you're going to get admitted. Your stats are great so you should get in. Trust me, most people that are appealing are the ones that didn't get in to UCD, UCI, or UCSC otherwise they'd be too lazy to write appeal if they did get in to other UCs. I'm sure your stats will stand out. Do some research about UCSB's goal, values..etc. Include in your letter why you want to enroll at UCSB. Good Luck! </p>

<p>By the way, one of my buddies got admitted last Fall throgh letter of appeal. He wrote the same stuff I just mentioned without any changes in his stats.</p>

<p>I am also in a similar situation with UCI. The only thing I'm worried about is whether I should have a teacher recommendation. I'm pretty sure it says that a recommendation is optional but I want to be sure. So as of right now, I could send a letter by itself, or I could wait until monday when the letter will be done and then send it in. Suggestions?</p>

<p>get at least one letter of rec, unless ur appealing because there was an error in your transcript or something like that.</p>

<p>If I appeal to ucla but I accept my admissions to UCI and later on ucla accepts my appeal, am I still aloud to reject UCI and attend ucla? Also does anyone know when ucla will let me know if they accept my appeal?</p>