<p>I've got a bit of a weird situation. Normally, I don't think my chances would be awful, but I go to a very strange school. It's an obscenely competitive predominantly immigrant (Asian) school that for the most part funnels into the UC/CSU system. (Out of 500 students, it only sends around three dozen or so to private schools). Competitive to the point where students are expected to dedicate six hours to homework/studying/etc (to the point where most students sleep four or so hours a day).</p>
<p>As a normal human being (as opposed to a insomniac studying machine), I don't quite cut it. My grades are much better than I really deserve (comparing how little relative effort I put in). I think I'm a good student (I do all the work, read all the texts, and get decent grades), but I don't match up to the other students. I'm definitely ranked below the 50% percentile, I think I'm around the 25-40% percentile range. Last I checked, that's around where I was. This is obviously very bad for me, and probably the Achilles' heel of my transcript. That and ECs.</p>
<p>I'm a junior, but I've taken all of my SATs, and my grades for second semester are mostly set (because we really stop school after AP testing and none of my grades can really conceivably change at this point). </p>
<p>I'm also worried that I'm applying to places WAY out of my league. My school limits the numbers of schools you can apply to, so if I get rejected from everywhere, I'm in for a WORLD of hurt.</p>
<p>Affirmative action won't help at all, and my family is fairly high-income, so I'll have to get in solely with my rather flimsy resume. No legacies either or any familial connections (not applying to my parents' alma mater or the schools where any family friends teach) </p>
<p>Applying to: Vanderbilt, Notre Dame, Emory, USC, Rice, Georgetown</p>
<p>SAT I: 2200 (or 1500 excluding writing)
PSAT: 219 (probably National Merit since last years was 217 and they're already sending me stuff)
SAT II World History: 800
SAT II United States History: 800
SAT II Chemistry: 700
GPA: 3.7ish (unweighted, used to set class rank)
Class Rank: (300-425?)/500 </p>
<p>==Freshman Year==
Geography/Health: A/A
Biology (Honors): A-/B-
English (Honors): B/B
Algebra II/Trig (Honors): B/A
Mandarin I: A-/B
Concert Band: A/A
Jazz Band: A/A</p>
<p>==Sophomore Year==
English (Honors): B-/C- (my teacher was kind of a pothead...)
Geometry (Honors): A-/B
Chemistry (Honors): B-/B-
Mandarin II: B/B
Concert Band/PE: A/A+
World History: A/A
Marching Band: A</p>
<p>==Junior Year==
English (Honors): B+/A-
Pre-Calculus (Honors): A/A
AP World History: A/A
AP Statistics: A+/A+
AP Psychology: A/A
AP United States History: A/A (only an A/A if I get a 5, but I score 90-95% the practice tests, so this is more likely than not)</p>
<p>Not much. I do JSA, MUN, used to do a lot of band stuff, and a lot of quizbowl. 40 hours of community service, which kind of sucks.</p>