<p>I know my resume is so screwed. Please be as harsh as possible!</p>
<p>SAT subject test: Math level 2: 780, Chinese with listening: 770
Japanese with listening: 740, World history: 700</p>
<p>ACT: will take this OCT</p>
<p>AP: Microeconomics: 5
Macroeconomics: 5
Calculus BC (AB subscore): 5
Comparative government & politics: 5
Chinese language and culture: 5
Japanese language and culture: 5
Statistics: 4
World history: 4
Psychology: 4
French language: 3</p>
<p>Cambridge AS level exams: Chinese: A (total score earned: 98%)
: Economics: A (total score earned: 96%)</p>
<p>Cambridge A level exams: Chinese
: Economics
: Mathematics<br>
(will take this NOV, teachers' predicted grades: A* for all three subjects)</p>
<p>Unweighted GPA: 3.91 (this is my 12th grade GPA because I was home-schooled and attended high school only for one year as a senior student)</p>
<p>Senior year courses: Cambridge AS level English
Cambridge AS level Mathematics
Cambridge AS level Economics
Cambridge AS level ICT (Information and Communications Technology)
Cambridge AS level Chinese
P.E (physical education. The school I attended also calculate P.E as GPA)</p>
<p>I'm not really sure how rigorous the courses were in terms of AP or Honour, but they were really tough.</p>
<p>EC: Participated in the school fund-raising concert tour as a solo classical guitarist and as an electrical guitarist.
Held a small-sized street concert for the fund-raising.
Was one of the members of the city representative team of All-China Kendo Competition.
Was the main guitarist of the band in the school foundation day celebration concert.
Led Japanese speaking class and taught university students Japanese.
Had a student whom I taught economics on one-to-one basis.
Collected and published famous Chinese, Korean, and Japanese poetries of similar subjects.
Led a English speaking class with 6 to 7 Korean students.
Was the leader of the senior class.
Volunteered as a English and Chinese translator at school.
Parodied and filmed the movie "Inception" and screened it at school.
Helped school economics teacher design class homework, curricula, and courses.
Collected secondhand clothing from the local Korean community and sent it to the relief camps of Sichuan and Qinghai, China
Was a member of the school student council.</p>
<p>Awards: AP Scholar with Distinction Award</p>
<p>Recommendations: two teachers: great.
counselor: fair.</p>
<p>Essays: I think they are fine, I have them read by many people and received good evaluation.</p>
<p>I'm an international student (Asian male), and was home-schooled for about 4 years or so.</p>