My chances at CC?

<p>Ok so I applied early action to CC and am starting to get really nervous. I would post this under the "what are my chances" board, but I doubt that many people know enough about the school to give me a fair response. </p>

<p>White female from CT (potential biology major and environmental science minor with aspirations of becoming a large animal vet)</p>

<p>GPA- 16.98 out of 18.00 ( school is weird. We don't do the 4.0 thing)</p>

<p>Curriculum: My school levels classes (from worst to best) as level 3, level 2, level 1, honors, AP. I have taken all level 1 (most kids take level 2) plus 2 honors classes (French and Pre-calculus) and 2 APs (chemistry and biology). I received a 5 on my bio exam and chem is to be taken this spring, though I'm predicting a 4 based on how I'm doing in the class. I'm concerned with the low AP number, but my school does not offer them until junior year and we have a fairly limited amount of APs offered (same with honors). </p>

<p>Class rank - definitely in the top 5%, however my school does not give out exact rank (with the exception of the valedictorian and salutatorian)</p>

<p>SATs- Math: 640
Reading: 630
Writing: 620 (yeah, I really wish these were higher since they are on the low end of Colorado's middle 50% however they are a fairly significant improvment from the first time I took the test)
SAT IIs - Biology (molecular): 740
Math Level 1: 600 (ouch, I was unfortunately in the very beginning of pre-calc at the time, so I had to skip a fair amount since I could not do them)</p>

<p>Interview: Went alright, unfortunately, it was my first one and I was very very nervous. Since I live in CT it was a regional interview with an admissions officer so it was either take that offer or not have an interview at all. I decided to take the opportunity though I would have preferred my first interview not be with my first choice school. Oh well. My interviewer was really nice. We had an interesting chat about environmental issues ha ha.</p>

<p>Teacher recs: One from my biology teacher last year which is definitely outstanding and one from my US history teacher which probably won't be as good but still fine. Counselor rec should be good as well.</p>

<p>Essay: About growing up with social anxiety disorder and learning to accept myself for who I am instead of being angry at myself or wishing to be someone else. Being a science person, writing is on the weaker end of my spectrum, however I am quite proud of my essay and feel it is well written, honest, and (as my English teacher called it) "brave". </p>

<p>Volunteer work/community service:
Been seriously involved with horseback riding and caring for horses since I was young (I have been working at stables since age 12)
Community service group called "pilgrim fellowship" that does various local community service projects throughout the year, all leading up to an annual mission trip to another area of the country in need. These trips alone have given me 50+ hours of community service (I have at least 100 hours total).
Soup kitchen volunteer since age 12
Helped collect toys for underpriveledged families with my dad every Christmas for six years
Nursery volunteer at my church (was also confirmed as a member of the church my sophomore which required a 2 year preperation program)</p>

Field hockey for all four years of high school (varsity letter winner and was co-captain of JV junior year)
Girls ice hockey - 9th grade
Horseback riding and competitions
Clarinet- have been a member of my school's elite band group (by audition only) since sophomore year
Singing (just for fun, nothing serious)
Art lessons from age 8 to freshman year (not sure that counts but oh well...)
National Honor Society
French Honor Society</p>

Excellence in Advanced Placement Biology
Excellence in United States History
National and French honor society inductions
Confirmed member of church
Always on high (A+/A average) or regular honor roll (A-/B+ average)
CAPT scholar (tests in CT only)
Most imporved freshman field hockey player
Most valuable player junior year (JV)
Won best in show and people's choice awards for a painting at a nationally recognized fair</p>

<p>Wow...sorry for writing a novel but I think that about covers it. Thank you so much for taking the time to read that!</p>


<p>I'm from CT too and think I interviewed with the same person you did on the same day (Farmington Inn?). Anyhow, I applied ED (and still don't freaking know yet since the mail is rediciously slow), here are my stats:</p>

<p>GPA: 3.9/4.0
Top 15% of class
ACTs: 25 (writing, 11)
essay: about me buying land in VT
Recs: Spectacular
Extra Currics: not going to lie, I'm the king :)</p>

<li>student member to the State Board of Ed.</li>
<li>class pres for 3 years</li>
<li>more stuff too
-visited school for an open house and then did an overnight later on</li>

<p>Have you been?</p>

<p>IM: Snowskier2007 : feel free to IM me so we can talk!</p>


<p>Yup, Farmington Inn :) Yeah I visited the school last winter, it was amazing! I want to do an overnight at some point if possible. What did you think of it? Was it worth it?</p>

<p>Oh, feel free to IM me as well, horsecrazey14 (yeah...I've had that stupid misspelled sn since I was 11 I'm just too lazy to change it ha ha). I'd love to talk to another potential CC student!</p>

<p>Chances seem good. I got in ed. Some of my stats..
4.4/5.0 GPA (top 25%)
ACT 30 (12 writing)
AP Scholar
Good EC's
Excellent Essay
Excellent recs
Greta p/t job that I wrote about in teh EC essay
Great Interview
Took a CC summer session block last summer
Developed a great relationship with the woman who interviewed me
showed a ton of interest in the school
(I think the last threee things helped me the most. </p>

<p>Good Luck</p>

<p>Seems like you have a decent chance. Remember that 25% of their students have lower SATs than yours.</p>

<p>Thanks everybody who responded!</p>

<p>i think it's a match</p>

<p>wait, sorry, you've applied right? my post is pointless then..</p>

<p>Yes, and I got accepted! Thanks everyone!</p>