My chances at some top schools

<p>First Generation, low-income
Asian Male, California</p>

<p>SAT:740 CR, 630 M, 740 W (12 essay, if that makes any difference)
GPA: 3.9 unweighted, 4.3 weighted
Rank: 6/412
SAT II: Retaking US hist, Lit, Math 2 for at least 700 on all the tests
Course Load: Took all AP courses that my school's schedule allows
Senior course: all AP and honors except 1 class
AP US History-3
AP English Language-3</p>

Piano (certificate of merit)
Black belt and student instructor in martial arts
Student leader in church youth group
President in ecology club
Secretary in Vietnamese club</p>

Congressional Page in House of Representatives (spring semester, 2 summer sessions)</p>

<p>Teacher and counselor recs: Good, I hope!
Essays: great (that's what everyone on CC who's read my essay says! :) )</p>

AMC 10 Silver Certificate for Outstanding Achievement (second place)
2006 House Page School Outstanding Student in Science
Music Teachers' Association of California Senior Award
Certificate of Merit Advanced Award
MTAC Branch Honors
Principal's Honor Roll (9-12)</p>

<p>Chances for Duke, Dartmouth, Berkeley, and UCLA?</p>

<p>ok...if you didn;t write any apps its too late if you did just send them out now =D good luck lol =D</p>

<p>No, I sent all of them out yesterday. I'm just wondering about my low chances at any of these schools.</p>

<p>I don't think you have a chance at Duke of Dartmouth because your EC's do not make you stand out. UCLA and Berk = a chance but depends on your essays and what college you applied to.</p>

<p>I'm in California though, so that might help out my berkeley and LA chances.</p>

<p>i took that into consideration. I think you have a chance.</p>

<p>Hopefully I get into at least one of them. :( I've seen people at my school land Berkeley and LA with much lesser scores and grades though.</p>

<p>Yes but I know people with much higher scores than you who have been rejected. Try to do an EC that makes you stand out and that you can write about in an essay. Berkeley puts importance on your essay. Are you engineering???</p>

<p>I'm not doing engineering, no.</p>

<p>I did write about working in the House of Representatives as a page for my main essay. Hopefully that makes me stand out.</p>

<p>sounds good.. good luck</p>

<p>k thanks.!</p>



<p>UCB/UCLA: Match</p>

<p>Thanks flopsy. :)</p>

<p>bump bump bump</p>

<p>asian male with 740 V 740 W AMC 10 silver? and 630 M? automatically rejected
haha just kidding</p>

<p>ok, I think u can get in UCLA, Berkeley is a match/reach. UCs accepts 90+% CA residents. I think ur fine with CA schools. D&D are reach, if ur math score is like 740 ur good.</p>

<p>I think you'll get into one or both of the UC schools, but Duke/ Dartmouth will be an uphill battle given the SAT and ECs.</p>

<p>Thanks guys. I'm really trying score at least 750 on the math 2 in January. Maybe that will help.</p>