My Chances at VT?

<p>Ah, i see. Not trying to get you sued here bro! I think its 30% out-of-state, 70 in btw.
Thx for all the info and the clarification on the stats!</p>

<p>No problem, now hopefully you can get some sleep. Its midnight and theres school in the morning! =P</p>

<p>haha nope! got exempt from my exams (we do that if you have a averge ur senior year) . All my friends have school tomorrow, ya there not so smart, so im kinda just chillin out bored and worrying about college.</p>

<p>Okay... so just another question for everyone....
Do yall think less ppl will apply this year because of the shootings? I know it didnt change my decision.... However, when i tell people vt is my number one, several people have told me they wouldn't feel safe there ne more (stupid, right?). Any way just wanted to know what yall thought about htat</p>

<p>I believe last year (class of 2011) more students took VT offer of acceptance than anticipated, so I don't think the tragedy at VT really changed students feeelings about the school. They ran into a little housing crunch because of this. If anything, I think the way students and staff handled themselves after April 16th made many want to be a part of a school with such pride and respect.<br>
My son absolutely loves it and is enjoying his freshman year at VT. Good Luck to you esmitty. I am sure everything will work out just fine.</p>

<p>Ok.... so one last question....
Is VT's admissions decisions "need-blind"?</p>

<p>The housing crunch was also due to them not putting people on academic suspension following the Spring 2007 semester, and suspension starts back up this semester, so it shouldn't be quite as bad.</p>

<p>bump.....does ne one no if admissions is need-blind based?</p>

<p>It should state that on their admissions page. I imagine they do, bacause I don't remember anything on the application where you have to specifically say that you need financial aid.</p>