My chances for acceptance

<p>Alright.. So I'd like some input from some people who think I have a chance or just anything they think looks good.
ACT was only sent, I got a 28/36
My GPA is 3.3 unweighted, the school I attend is number 5 in state according to quality and Difficulty of education
Ive taken 3 APs, two this year, the one I took before I got a 3 on.
I've done odyssey of the mind for 3 years, making world competition once, I've also played sports and ran track for 4 years. I have had a job for 2 years now, and quickly have become an assistant manager at the restaurant. I have done around 100 hours of community service. I had very good recommendations according to my guidance counselor as I had good relationships with my teachers.
Most of my grades are low 90s and high 80s.
Any input would be helpful, this is my number one school, I hope to get in, really liked their biochem environment. Thanks everyone!</p>

<p>Hi Zurtch,</p>

<p>I’m no professional, but I did get in ED for the class of 2016, and I’d say that you have a good chance of getting in too.</p>

<p>Your ACT, while a little low, is exactly the bottom of their 50th percentile.</p>

<p>Your GPA seems low too, but if your school is really that rigorous then it shouldn’t be a problem.</p>

<p>Overall you appear to be a good candidate, especially with your ECs.</p>

<p>Thanks, I really hope I can get in.</p>

<p>Anyone else responding?</p>