My Chances for Stanford

<p>Hello I'm a rising senior from Chicago, IL.</p>

<p>SAT I: 2220 (790M - 740 W - 690 R) </p>

<p>I am retaking this in October. It will be my first time retaking it. Over 2300 for sure...unless they smack on some physics outta nowhere.;)</p>

Chem: 780
Math IIC: 790
US History: 740</p>

<p>PSAT: 218 > 216 in illinois National Merit Semi-finalist</p>

<p>ACT: 33</p>

<p>Our school had some mandatory ACT Thing in april, but I didn't study for it and got a 33 because APs were right after that. Anyhow, I'm retaking this also in october. 33 doesn't look too good....</p>

<p>I'm ranking in the top 1% of my class. Our school got rid of rank last year because 50% of the seniors were complaining about it. >:[</p>

4 years on tennis team</p>



<p>Summer activities:
Congressional student leadership conference in DC
Stanford NAtional Forensics Institute (SNFI)
Northwestern University's Center for Talent Development (CTD)
college visits to all the ivies and top 10 schools
Traveling to europe</p>

<p>I have taken 6 APs total. 4s and 5s:
AP english composition
AP chemistry
AP physics b
AP calculus bc
AP us history
AP european history
- all As. I think I have 2 Bs total in all my classes combined</p>

<p>Senior year I am taking:
- AP physics C
- AP psychology
- AP english literature
- AP statistics
- AP biology
- honors debate 2 (i hafta cuz im captain)
- guitar (required)</p>

- asian male. only kid. mid class. (does this race/income stuff matter?)</p>



<p>So what do you think my chances are? Please let me know. Do not hesitate to be harsh or realistic in your posts. If there's anything else I should add, please let me know. Thanksin advance and good luck this year to all seniors.</p>

<p>good chance</p>

<p>33 is 99 percentile.</p>

<p>It's also in the Stanford's range.</p>

<p>annandale1: yes, I guess it's okay. But I already registered for the ACT and it's just one Saturday morning anyways. I'll just go in, do my thing, and get a higher score. Hopefully. :)</p>

<p>rExRuN467: thanks, could you offer any areas I could improve on?</p>

<p>Anyone else have views on this? I'd like you to be as realistic as possible. Thanks in advance.</p>

<p>Id say you have a 13% chance...</p>

<p>Ashveer: 13%? That's pretty low. Are you basing this off statistics? Please let me know.</p>

<p>I know this has nothing to do with the orginal post but what does Stanford look for in admissons gpa, rank, ap's???</p>

<p>You look pretty good to me. Oh, was your CSLC thing at Catholic U? I volunteered there this summer and I saw them there everyday. I laughed because I'd be walking up in a t-shirt and shorts and the guys were in blazers some days. Anyway, I'm getting way off topic.</p>

<p>You've got a better shot than I do.</p>

<p>thanks somebodynew. Listen though, post your stats and people will give you feedback. Also, still apply!!! Sometimes you might be judging yourself too harshly and sometimes you jsut gotta give it a chance. Heck, it's a once in a lifetime opportunity and only 70 bucks or so. That's less than an XBOX.</p>

<p>CSLC was at GAlludette University. It was in D.C. It was a good leadership experience and I'll stop at that lol. And you'er right, I wore a full navy suit almost every day of the week. The day we went to the Capitol, it was like 100 degrees.</p>

<p>Gymnast: You could probably check Stanford's website for the statistics. They should have averages on there: <a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Also, I'm sure CC contains a wealth of information if you search for it. Good luck to you too.</p>

<p>Oh, I'm definitely's just a matter if I want to go with SCEA, or do EA to schools I'm more likely to get into.</p>

<p>What does SCEA stand for? I'm thinking Stanford --- Early Action....what's the C? :?</p>

<p>oh god. it's Single Choice Early Action. I got it. Thanks. :)</p>

<p>Pretty much everyone has the same chance. Its just me, I find the whole "what are my chances" shtick a little inane. If everyone told you that you looked weak, then what? You would still apply. Obviously you think you're material for the school or you wouldnt apply. Most everyone has the smarts for the school, its everything else that matters...</p>

responding to your question on how you can improve, you really can't. You have the stats for sure. All you need is killer recommendations and an awesome essay.</p>

<p>Ashveer that's the best advice I've heard in a while.</p>

<p>Hehe, just putting this in perspective...</p>

<p>lol, yeah, more like 12% ;)</p>

<p>So what kind of application will have like a 50% chance of getting in?</p>

<p>That's the whole complex: we don't know.</p>

<p>Kids with 1500's got in.
Kids with 1600's got rejected.</p>

<p>Musicians who have never played in front of an audience got in.
International award winning musicians got rejected.</p>

<p>Kids who had spelling errors in their essays got in.
Kids who had excellent essays got rejected.</p>

<p>Jr. varsity kids got in.
All state kids didn't.</p>

<p>You can't predict anything. And that is why, for most, private school admissions suck.</p>

<p>The only applicant who has about a 50% chance of getting in is a legacy.</p>

<p>Unfair? Yes. What can you do? Just apply and see what happens. Most of the people who worked on the human genome project went to unknown public schools for their undergraduate years. Keep it in perspective and you'll be fine.

<p>My, my, just hope I'm not the admissions dean</p>