<p>Yes Ashveer you are right about one thing. If everyone came here and said that I have a 0% chance, I'd probably be disheartened, but the thing is, this community does not fool around like that and takes posts like this seriously.</p>
<p>I just wanted a realistic opinion from people who've been there and gone through the process. Now I have a better idea of which schools are awesome matches, which schools are reaches, and which ones are safeties.</p>
<p>I don't have legacy anywhere because I moved here when I was 4, but I'm not complaining. You gotta make due with what you have. I appreciate your care about how well I'm going to take these reponses though, but so far they've been favorable :D.</p>
<p>hi i just wanted to find out if having a sibling from stanford helps much. i know places like upenn really take legacies into account, but how about stanford?
secondly, heard that they have been restricting the no. of entrants from my country (im asian). and stanford is kinda getting alot of applicants from my country still as far as ive heard. is there any way out of this?</p>
<p>AHaha. I love how I am a quasi-authority on the subject. </p>
<p>I dont have too much experience about legacy, but its a definite plus. Their legacy acceptance rate is pretty high, I've heard nothing less than 30% and sometimes as high as 50%. THose numbers seemingly reflect parent/grandparent legacy. Also, dont forget that the uni isnt often being money minded, but stanford parents often raise stanford material kids...</p>
<p>Well, yes, but legacies do have an edge regardless. It's a well-known fact that in the case of two comparable applicants, the one that is a legacy will get in over the other, even if everything else is equal.</p>
<p>um, i'm a stanford legacy...my parents went there but they DEFINITELY did not donate a building or anything...probably more like 50 bucks at the reunion.</p>
<p>each school regards its legacies differently...some only count parents, some grandparents too, some only undergraduate, etc. etc. etc. </p>
<p>i believe Harvard is very big on admitting legacies, particularly compared to their admit rate. They might be more like 40%, but i don't know any data about that.</p>
<p>The admit rate of Stanford legacies is approx. double the regular admit rate...so somewhere from 20-25% not great, but not bad. definitely not 50%! also, at stanford i think they count parents, grandparents, and siblings, but i don't remember for sure...</p>
<p>Ashveer, you are so right about chances threads...99 times out of 100 they are a complete waste...</p>
<p>My mom went to Stanford, but transferred to Columbia after 3 years b/c they had a program she needed. Do they know or care that she didn't graduate? Will it still help me?</p>
<p>Well, I just submitted part 1 of my Stanford app yesterday. I'm going to revise my essays a bit before sending in part dos.</p>
<p>That's just an update. Like I said, I'm retaking the SAT Reasoning Test in October for a higher score, and I put Stanford down for the score to be directly sent to. Is it still necessary to tell the College Board to send the rest of my scores too?</p>