My chances for the Ivy?

<p>I am a rising senior, really want to go to a good school - the best I can get into regardless of FA.</p>

<p>Here is my info. Please chance me:</p>

<p>ethnicity: asian.
school: good suburban public school in Florida.
GPA: 3.78 uw
ranking: about 20/450, or top 5%</p>

<p>SAT1: 800m/790r/740w
SAT2: 800m/800chem/800wrld history</p>

<p>EC: math club/competition award, marching band, 2 yrs pt work in restaurant, and some community/library volunteer work.</p>

<p>Interested in major: premed or econ/finance</p>

<p>What do you think of my chances for the Ivys plus Stanford, Caltech, Duke, Chicago, WashU, Georgetown, CMU, NYU?</p>

<p>Forgot AP:</p>

<p>AP taken so far: US history 5, world history 5, chemistry 5, Calculus BC 5, Enlish Lan 5,
Plan to take 5 AP next year: bio, physics, micro, macro, government.</p>

<p>high ivies - reach
mid ivies - reach
low ivies - low reach
stanford, caltech, duke, uchicago, washu, georgetown, nyu - reach
cmu - low reach</p>

<p>Don't take that personally - most of these schools are reaches for everyone. I suggest that instead of going to "the best you can get into," that you search for somewhere you really do want to go.
Don't fall into the prestige trap.</p>

<p>You have great scores, but your GPA is a little lacking. Consider dropping an AP and work on raising it up to 3.85+.</p>

<p>Also, work on your ECs. I don't see anything there distinguishable or significant.</p>

<p>All the Ivies will be high reaches with your lack of ECs. I'm not sure about the other ones.</p>

<p>wow great scores! Well i think the ivys are reaches for you. You should get into NYU, WashU, and Georgetown. As for Chicago and CMU, you stand a good chance if your ecs were better.</p>