My chances? ...getting nervous

<p>I'm a white, upper middle class female</p>

<p>In state, fairly crappy public high school</p>

<p>Unweighted GPA 4.0 (taken all honors/AP offered at my school, which isn't all that much, plus a few dual-enrolled classes at a local university, but all I could take were easy intro-level classes)</p>

<p>Rank 1/~250
ACT 34
SAT 2230 (690m 790v 750w)
National Merit Semifinalist</p>

<p>Above average EC's
Excellent recs
Fairly good essays- I wrote about my experience of moving 4 times during my freshman year and living in several areas of the country</p>

<p>I completed the app Oct. 10, but due to some misunderstandings about transcripts, it wasn't recognized as officially complete until Nov. 5. My WA status used to say "Application is Not Complete" even though I called several times and they assured me it actually was complete, then a few weeks ago it switched to "Application is Complete", and now it says nothing.</p>

<p>At least 3 other people from my school (some that applied after me), have already been accepted. I know that I probably shouldn't be worried because I'm pretty sure I have the stats to get in.. but why haven't I gotten a decision yet?</p>

<p>Also, my residency was determined as "out-of-state" because I've lived out of state within the past 3 years, but I sent the appeal form in a week after I applied, and as of last week, it was changed to "in-state"... would this cause my decision to be delayed?</p>

<p>Finally, any thoughts on scholarship potential would be much appreciated.</p>

<p>You will get in. You should be a good candidate for scholarships, but there are hundreds of applicants with stats just as good as yours, so keep that in mind.</p>

<p>you will absolutely get in. There is no way that you wouldn't unless you absolutely dropped the ball on your application, but with your stats i can't imagine that would be the case</p>