I just checked my UW status & it still says awaiting review.
Then I noticed that above my status is says that I said yes, I am/was attending running start, which I'm not. I didn't say yes to any of the running start questions on my app so i'm confused.
& I also noticed that I accidentally put 4.5 credits for one class when it was supposed to be 3.5.</p>
<p>Will this completely ruin my chances of getting in?
*i plan on calling the school to see what i can do about this
i'm stressed out now lol</p>
<p>definitely dont stress. A good friend of mine emailed admissions about incorrect info on the website and they fixed it two days later. The mistake in credits wont cause you to be rejected either, just send an email to correct it…just let them know you found a typo. Most applicants will remain in “awaiting review” until March. The school gets a ton of applications, and they go through them as quickly as they can.</p>
<p>Do you know the e-mail address? ugh for some reason I can’t find it.
I put 4.5 cause I was going to take running start but then couldn’t cause of fam. situation at the time so thats why i got 4.5 cause i counted my running start credit which i forgot to erase when i erased all the other running start que.</p>
<p>what to do? it says that inaccurate info will result in denial of admission >__<</p>
<p>Don’t worry, just give UW Admissions a call on Monday, and give them a heads up about the error on your app. I had to do this last year to a few schools, and they’re more than willing to fix errors you’ve made on your app. As long as you address it to them, your admission won’t be rescinded.</p>
<p>So I sent them an e-mail weeks ago & still haven’t heard back.
My application still looks the same & I’m kinda worried cause, my status is stilllll “awaiting review” -_-;
Should I just wait for the admissions ppl to e-mail me back/change my app. or call again?</p>
<p>Thanks for all the help
I called admissions again & they told me that the person who answered before gave me the wrong e-mail address …so they gave me the right e-mail address & I heard back lol they said they’ll fix it! yay!!</p>