My Chances?

<p>-3.7 GPA
-Multiple Dual credit and Honors classes
-23 ACT composite (not great, I know)
-Eagle Scout/ 4 years of Boy Scouting
-Multiple leadership awards in Boy Scouts
-4 years of Varsity wrestling (captain 12th grade)
-1 year class council
-3 Great letters of Recommendation</p>

<p>I know my ACT scores are less than stellar but I'm hoping my Eagle Scout award does the trick! TCU is my number one and I applied before the November 1st deadline, so what are my chances? They still haven't mailed my letter, and I am getting nervous.</p>

<p>Does your status at say that they are mailing your admission decision? I’d say you have a good chance, regardless of your ACT score! :]</p>

<p>No, mine still says they are reviewing my application, but I’m hoping it will be early this week. I’m getting really anxious, but I guess it is out of my hands now. Thanks for your support.</p>

<p>My d has the same stats as you and her status just changed to a letter has been mailed. I am hoping for the best!</p>

<p>My status has changed to mailed so I’ve got my fingers crossed. Good luck!</p>