<p>Hey, so I would be feeling more confident about myself EXCEPT I totally screwed up my AP's... basically slacked off and started studying the week before, and for some didn't study at all.. yeeaaah, I was a lazy one. Anyways, here are my stats.. with my horrible AP scores (which I probably won't put anyways, as they're optional), what are my chances? And not filling out AP's -- will it also be detrimental?</p>
<p>School picks: Stanford (EA), Harvard, Yale, Princeton, UC Berkeley, UPenn, MIT, Duke (UWash, JHU, Columbia, Cornell - maybe's)
Also planning to apply to accel. med programs at Northwestern, USC, BU, and maybe Brown. <--- not sure.. I'll probably try, but all my science scores are not too good; I'm going to try to bulk up on sciences and make up for the not-so-good-scores. I recently decided to go into medicine, that's another reason I've never really paid special attention to doing well in science.</p>
<p>Anyways, here's my stats:
SAT I: (composite)
CR: 740
Math: 800
W: 790 / 11</p>
<p>SAT II:
Math IIC: 790
Chem: 700
(retaking chem in oct. along with spanish and bio)</p>
<p>AP <em>cringes</em>
World His: 4
Eng Lang: 3
Chem: 2 eh.
USH: 2
Calc BC scores were delayed
Spanish: 4</p>
<p>GPA: 4.0
Rank: 1 of 600-700some people</p>
<p>I've a handful of leadership positions in school clubs
Extracurriculars include: school orch, highest group in a fairly well-known symphony orch, piano + handful of awards/competitions, interning/researching since sophomore year (+ one paid summer internship), paid tutor for autistic boy, various mission trips
I also founded a tutoring program and expanded it to other areas. I've won numerous awards/scholarships (including an international), and have been featured in newspapers / news channel.</p>
<p>There's more, but basically my question is: How important are AP scores? And if I don't submit the bad ones?--how would that look? Taking all this into account, what are my chances of getting into these top schools?</p>