My Chances

<p>I am applying to both, Emory and also to Oxford for fall '11.</p>

<li><p>ACT 29 (Trying to improve on Sept. Test)</p></li>
<li><p>GPA - 3.4 UW, 3.95 W</p></li>
<li><p>4 APs - 4 4 4 & 5 ; Taking four APs this senior year</p></li>
<li><p>SAT II - Biology 640, US History 610</p></li>
<li><p>Want to do Business & later on probably Law</p></li>
<li><p>Financial Aid not essential to attend the school</p>

<li>Indian American, Private School in Fl. which regularly sends kids to Emory(its peers),Ivys.</li>
<li>School does not rank, I think I may be in the top 30% of the class.</li>
<li>Swimming - Varsity since I was in 7th grade, went to states, Team Captain</li>
<li>Debate - Since 9th grade, Team Captain, Qualified for National level competitions.</li>
<li>Asst. Coach -JV Basket Ball</li>
<li>Habitat for Humanity, Teach young ones to swim, spend time with inner city kids</li>
<li>Am also applying to Uni. of Miami, Uni of Florida, George Washington, Georgia Tech, NYU </li>

<p>& Boston Uni.</p>

<p>I will appreciate any & all input</p>

<p>Given the stats you posted, I’d say you are a somewhat high reach for Emory, particularly since almost all of their admits are within the top 25% with somewhere around a 3.8 GPA (average). NYU has an extremely competitive applicant pool for their business school. With that said, it’s okay to have some higher reach schools on your list. Miami, GT, and BU are lower reaches, GWU and the U of F could be considered high matches. Do you have any match/safety schools on your list? If not, you should.</p>

<p>Thanks Jshain, what do you think about my chances to Oxford College ?</p>

<p>I’m not familiar with it other than it is a 2 year liberal arts school, affiliated with Emory, located outside of their Atlanta campus-- not even sure if this is right ???</p>

<p>Oxford is much less selective, so you have a really solid chance there. Also, I saw you did Georgia Tech. I’m gonna go with what the other poster here said and apply it to Georgia Tech too. Don’t let Tech’s admission rate fool you. Like us, they get some of the best applicants, so they still manage to enroll students with about the same stats. as Emory. Both are reaches, with Emory possibly being a high reach due to it simply having less spots than Tech. If you are considering a reach school you really like, consider early decision, it “statistically” improves your chances to get in. Which school would you really like to attend?</p>

<p>I actually take back what I said about Tech, they will look for aptitude in sciences even if your interest is business whereas Emory won’t as much. I think both may be a high reach if you don’t have that.</p>

<p>Oxford - Low Match (I would say definitely in as long as you write a reasonable essay)</p>

<p>Emory - reach</p>

<p>The GPA is a bit low but you can definitely raise it during your senior year.</p>

<p>I’ll be honest with you. If you apply ED I think you will have a decent/average shot to get in. But if you apply RD, the chances will be quite low.</p>

<p>However, with that being said, you can retake ACT and SAT I/II to improve your chances. Aim for a 2100+, 31+, and 740+ on subjects.</p>

<p>I believe, this year, Emory’s average SAT is 2095.</p>

<p>Good luck!!</p>

<p>ps. I think you will get into Oxford with average essays.</p>

<p>Thanks a lot guys, for your input. Please comment on this Naviance List with Probabilities - What do you think ?</p>

<p>Uni of Florida - 60%</p>

<p>Uni of Miami -58%</p>

<p>Florida State - 75%</p>

<p>U Central Florida - 82%</p>

<p>Emory - 32%</p>

<p>Oxford College(Emory) - 74%</p>

<p>Georgia Tech - 42%</p>

<p>Boston University - 65%</p>

<p>George Washington - 51%</p>

<p>Thanks again for any & all input</p>

<p>Naviance even tells you the probability of getting accepted? Didn’t know that :slight_smile: But it seems pretty accurate.</p>