<p>We are out of state, so she will probably not hear anything until mid-March. The letter was called "A Winter Message for you!" and it said:</p>
<p>"This is a letter about optimism. We understand how difficult it is to wait for an admissions decision. Since we are reviewing more than 25,000 applications, we cannot give you a decision today, but I can give you some encouraging thoughts about the process and some steps to ensure a good outcome when you decide on a college choice in the spring....."</p>
<p>It then went on to talk about the FAFSA, visiting U of D, exploring majors, and staying in touch.</p>
<p>Hopefully, this is a good sign. Did anyone else receive this letter? Athough out of state, we only live about 20 minutes from U of D, so she would be one of the first OOS to receive it. I am not trying to panic anyone.</p>
<p>Looking forward to hearing some good news soon!</p>
<p>I got the letter too (addressed to family of applicant) I think D is going to a SUNY anyway, but it would be very disappointing if you had your heart set on Delaware to get a letter like that and then get rejected!!!</p>
<p>It did say something about how you should visit colleges and gives the website to book a tour at Delaware. But def not a likely letter; I wouldn’t buy the sweatshirt or car sticker based on this</p>
<p>The letter is addressed to the Family of"…" and advises patience and offers tips.
The real question is did UDEL send out 25,000 of these or did they mail to selected “maybe” applicants.I would doubt they sent this to the very strong or weak applicants.
Good luck to all!</p>
<p>we got same today. Ours took longer getting to ca. I do not think it means anything. My guess is that they want to have prospective students wait to accept at other schools who notified earlier. Since many kids apply to penn st. and maryland along with del. perhaps they needed to communicate. Those schools already started accepting. My d has less interest in del now that she got in to those other two. I could be wrong on the motivation. Just a thought.</p>
<p>My son didn’t receive this letter yet, however will be attend University of Pittsburgh in the fall. We are kind of curious about Delaware’s decision. He was denied from PSU Main Campus and heard from Pitt in October.</p>
<p>I just reread the letter that came in the mail last month (“A Winter Message For You…”) and at first I thought it didn’t mean a thing. However, in the P.S. it says to send an email if you have changed your major. I can’t believe they’d ask this of applicants who are not likely to be accepted.</p>