my FIRST actual "chances" gonna get laughed at for a few of these schools!

<p>yes i know it is LONG....but ok, this is not one of those chances where the person has 2570 SATs, 6.9 GPA, or more APs then are offered.....i know i have decent stats but legitimately asking if I have a shot at these schools.....</p>

<p>BACKGROUND: White, Jewish, Male, rising senior, attending ULTRA competitive Florida suburban public high school....block schedule (8 classes per year)</p>

GPA: 3.979 UW, 4.864 W
Rank: 19/607 (possibility of moving up 2 or 3 spots in rank due to summer college courses) 3.1%
PSAT (soph.): 63 CR, 76 M, 71 W (210 overall)
SAT-I: 650 CR, 720 M, 620 W (1370/1600 ; 1990/2400)
SAT-II: 750 USH, 630 Math II-C, 580 LIT</p>


Eng. 1 H A/A
Algebra 2 H A/A
Geog. H A/A
Bio 1 H A/A
Span. 3 H A/A
Journalism 1 A/A
PF/Health A/A
and some mandatory class at our HS A/A</p>

AP World Hist. B+/A (3 on AP exam)
Eng. 2 H A/A
Trig. H A/A
Chem. 1 H A/A
World Hist. H A/A
Newspaper A/A/A/A (full year)
Entrepreneurship A/A</p>

AP Calc AB A/A
AP Lang. A/A
Chem 2. H A/A
Calc AB H A/A (AP courses are paired for full year ^^^)
Financial Ops. A/A
Financial Planning A/A</p>

AP Environ. Sci.
AP Lit.
AP Gov/Econ
AP Calc BC
Financial Ops
Financial Acctng. (part of Academy of Finance ^^^)
and a college course at comm. college</p>

2004---Varsity Ice Hockey Team
Sports Editor position on high-school newspaper
National Honor Society
2005---Varsity Ice Hockey Team (division champs)
National Honor Society (Assistant Academic Coordinator elect)
Students Against Cancer
DECA (Parliamentarian elect)
Future Medical Professionals of America (Corresponding Secretary)
PRES Club (Historian)</p>

2003---Twice a week camp counselor
2004---Full-time first-year camp counselor
2005---Managers Aide at local sports card store
Junior Camp Counselor
2006---summer intern at Ruden-McClosky law firm</p>

2003---BCC Sorority Award of Excellence (highest GPA and most service hours freshman year)</p>

<p>2004---First Place, DECA Districts, Business Plan
Sixth Place, DECA Districts, E-Commerce Team Event
Fourth Place, DECA States, E-Commerce Team Event
Competed, DECA Nationals in Anaheim, California, E-Commerce Team Event
Various Sun-Sentinel Awards for entire HS newspaper staff
HS Underclassmen Journalism Award</p>

<p>2005---National Honor Roll recognition
National Merit recognition (i think)
Fourth Place, DECA Districts, E-Commerce Team Event
Fourth Place, DECA States, E-Commerce Team Event
HS Underclassmen AP American History Award
Broward County Brain Bowl HS team 2nd Place (tie)</p>

<p>if you have the time and want to "match/reach/safety" my schools, it would be IMMENSELY as harsh as you want, my sights may be set a little high...applying to the business school at each designated college (i think)</p>

<p>University of Florida
U-Mich. (AA)
Boston College


<p>You have a really great resume going here, except for your test scores. Definitely retake SAT I's on the October 14th test date, and retake the Lit and Math IIC tests on a later date. </p>

<p>You should be able to get into UF, UM, BC, and UCLA. If you get those test scores up Emory, Duke, and WUSTL might be matches. And do realize that Ivies are reaches for anyone, but you would have a decent shot at Dartmouth. I'm not sure how the business school part of it affects it though. And living in Florida might affect your shot at UCB and maybe UCLA since it is much harder for out-of-staters.</p>

<p>And you would be number 1 at my school (also in FL but way less competitive) with that GPA! Good work!</p>

<p>very, very, very encouraging....i appreciate it....
yea when i saw those percentiles on the mailed-score reports for my SAT 2s, i flipped, not used to</p>

<p>but thank you for the response...</p>

<p>nice grades.. pretty much flawless</p>

<p>i am jealous.</p>


<p>guess who... </p>

<p>love uuu</p>

<p>u need to bring up your SATs, but other than that, the rest of your stats are quite good.</p>

<p>yea i know its long....any more insight tho?</p>


<p>UCB/UCLA: Slight Reach (out of state)</p>

<p>wow you did really good I am proud of you(even though I don't know you). Seriously, you should really give yourself a pat on the back. I think your SAT scores are good lol 1900! I would be happy if I made a grade like that!</p>

<p>the thing is i know i can do alot better, and i also know that people applying to the ivies will have scores considerably higher....about 150-200 points....although my transcript is great, i dont know if the sat's will hurt...</p>

<p>Raise your critical reading score by 50 points.</p>

<p>im not really a fan of it....and i promise its my last one...bump</p>

<p>Try the ACT. The test may be better suited for you.</p>

<p>hockey guy.</p>

<p>i'll be a fresh at Berkeley (haas intended) and am very similar to your background and applied to many of the same schools:</p>

<p>white, jewish, male, interested in business.</p>

<p>i posted my stats in your berkeley forum...</p>

<p>feel free to instant message me and we can chat about your prospects.
resume is solid, scores need to go up. GOOD LUCK!</p>

<p>Umm, being out of state, UC Berkeley is going to be hard to get into. Duke and Emory will be hard as well. Definitely bring up the SAT scores. My friend applied to UC-Berkeley, she's from Florida, 5.8 weighted GPA, IB student, AP Scholar, etc. and she didn't get in; being out of state is a disadvantage. What school do you go to?</p>