<p>this was posted in the CHANCES thread, but as one of the major schools on my list is UCB, i feel that people who already attend can give me a better analysis or dose of reality of where i stand for this school....thanks!</p>
<p>yes i know it is LONG....but ok, this is not one of those chances where the person has 2570 SATs, 6.9 GPA, or more APs then are offered.....i know i have decent stats but legitimately asking if I have a shot at these schools.....</p>
<p>BACKGROUND: White, Jewish, Male, rising senior, attending ULTRA competitive Florida suburban public high school....block schedule (8 classes per year)</p>
GPA: 3.979 UW, 4.864 W
Rank: 19/607 (possibility of moving up 2 or 3 spots in rank due to summer college courses)...top 3.1%
PSAT (soph.): 63 CR, 76 M, 71 W (210 overall)
SAT-I: 650 CR, 720 M, 620 W (1370/1600 ; 1990/2400)
SAT-II: 750 USH, 630 Math II-C, 580 LIT</p>
Eng. 1 H A/A
Algebra 2 H A/A
Geog. H A/A
Bio 1 H A/A
Span. 3 H A/A
Journalism 1 A/A
PF/Health A/A
and some mandatory class at our HS A/A</p>
AP World Hist. B+/A (3 on AP exam)
Eng. 2 H A/A
Trig. H A/A
Chem. 1 H A/A
World Hist. H A/A
Newspaper A/A/A/A (full year)
Entrepreneurship A/A</p>
AP Calc AB A/A
AP Lang. A/A
Chem 2. H A/A
Calc AB H A/A (AP courses are paired for full year ^^^)
Financial Ops. A/A
Financial Planning A/A</p>
AP Environ. Sci.
AP Lit.
AP Gov/Econ
AP Calc BC
Financial Ops
Financial Acctng. (part of Academy of Finance ^^^)
and a college course at comm. college</p>
2004---Varsity Ice Hockey Team
Sports Editor position on high-school newspaper
National Honor Society
2005---Varsity Ice Hockey Team (division champs)
National Honor Society (Assistant Academic Coordinator elect)
Students Against Cancer
DECA (Parliamentarian elect)
Future Medical Professionals of America (Corresponding Secretary)
PRES Club (Historian)</p>
2003---Twice a week camp counselor
2004---Full-time first-year camp counselor
2005---Managers Aide at local sports card store
Junior Camp Counselor
2006---summer intern at Ruden-McClosky law firm</p>
2003---BCC Sorority Award of Excellence (highest GPA and most service hours freshman year)</p>
<p>2004---First Place, DECA Districts, Business Plan
Sixth Place, DECA Districts, E-Commerce Team Event
Fourth Place, DECA States, E-Commerce Team Event
Competed, DECA Nationals in Anaheim, California, E-Commerce Team Event
Various Sun-Sentinel Awards for entire HS newspaper staff
HS Underclassmen Journalism Award</p>
<p>2005---National Honor Roll recognition
National Merit recognition (i think)
Fourth Place, DECA Districts, E-Commerce Team Event
Fourth Place, DECA States, E-Commerce Team Event
HS Underclassmen AP American History Award
Broward County Brain Bowl HS team 2nd Place (tie)</p>
<p>if you have the time and want to "match/reach/safety" my schools, it would be IMMENSELY appreciated.....be as harsh as you want, my sights may be set a little high...applying to the business school at each designated college (i think)</p>
<p>University of Florida
U-Mich. (AA)
Boston College