<p>I know that as college app time rolls around, there will be a lot more requests for this, but I'd much appreciate it if those of you who've already been through the process or have much experience reading and editting college essays would spare some time to review mine and give me some constructive criticism for my first essay.
Thanks so much!</p>
<p>I will read, pm me</p>
<p>I'll read as well</p>
<p>Sure my mom is an english teacher, ill let her take a look. GL :)</p>
<p>PM me with your first essay caligirl!!!:)</p>
<p>Sure I'll have a look at it, I am minoring in English. GL :)</p>
<p>PM, please!</p>
<p>I'll take a look at it.</p>
<p>i'll read! pm me!</p>
<p>I'll be happy to read it as well. I just finished the first draft of my first essay so maybe we could switch essays.</p>
<p>I'll read it, PM me.</p>
<p>Hey, I'll read it too, if you want.</p>