<p>I really have no idea where to put anything on this forum yet, so bear with me while I get used to things around here. </p>
<p>My situation is that I go to a community college, but I'm failing pretty badly due to the fact that I'm suffering from an anxiety disorder that started just before my fall semester. The issue is that I have failed the fall and spring semester completely because of my attendance. It's not as easy as wake up and go as it is for other people. I have to first make sure I get a decent amount of sleep which isn't always guaranteed with a room mate who makes as much noise as a nightclub on Chippewa in downtown Buffalo. But I digress.. I also have to make sure I wake up early enough and to also to face any random fear that anxiety seems to put random fears and thoughts into my head. Now anyone who's had anxiety can vouch for me how bad it can get and how it can rapidly change decisions, your good state of mind, and generally how you should feel on a day to day basis. It became impossible to make one class because of how little sleep I actually was getting and that one class put me under the credit minimum to reside in the dorms there. With only three weeks left that's bad because I have a chance to pass some classes this semester but I would be 30 miles away at home with no car. And I've also had to deal with a Psychologist and a counselor who basically told me to give up on my dreams because no one would hire me if I had an anxiety disorder. </p>
<p>So what do I do? I would love to explain to my parents the mental and emotional toll that this whole thing is taking on me right now. I know they only want me to succeed regardless of the fact that it's a community college. I just don't think they see how unhealthy their son really is. The best advice I got from a professor was that "It's only community college, you should probably enroll in a community college closer to home, that way you can retake any courses you've failed and if need be you can always visit home when you need that comfort". I'm just not sure how I should go about this. I feel helpless because my parents just keep nudging me into something that I just may not be able to accomplish until I'm healthier.</p>