<p>Hey everyone, this is a actually volleysnap-I just decided to go for a little change of name to reflect my new school :)</p>
<p>Anyway, I have been getting ready for SOAR and have put together some tentative classes for the year. What do you think? As you can see, I am a bit more into the humanities than the sciences but I am trying to integrate the basic requirements as well. I don't want to regret not taking more science/math etc so I would really appreciate any advice on class selection, etc. Really any advice you have would be hugely useful.</p>
<p>As you will see, I am just trying everything I have an interest in because I don't want to assume my current interests are permanent.</p>
<p>Some stuff that got cut out was biology (with lab), political science, statistics, intro art class, and some other stuff</p>
<p>In short:
1st semester (aka my "Eat, Pray, Love" semester):
honors literature
Intro to Buddhism
Intro to Yoga Practice
--> 14 credits</p>
<p>2nd semester (aka my comprehensive review of the ologies semester):
Honors Philosophy
Honors Psychology
---> 14 credits (probably will tack another 2 credit class on here)</p>
<p>Long version (straight out of the catalog)</p>
<p>1st semester:</p>
<p>182 Introduction to Literature for Honors. I, II; 3 cr (L-E). Introductory honors course in discussion format. Topic and Materials will vary. P: Open to Fr. Admission to L&S Honors or above 654 on EPT or AP in English score of 4 or above. Others admitted only with consent of dept honors coordinator. May not receive cr for both 182 & 181.</p>
<p>101 First Semester Italian. I, II, SS; 4 cr (E). For students who have not studied Italian; meets five hours a week. P: Open to Fr.</p>
<p>112 Algebra. I, II, SS; 3 cr (q-E). Polynomial equations, remainder and factor theorems, functions, graphs of functions, simultaneous linear equations, logarithm and exponential functions, sequences and series, mathematical induction, binomial theorem. P: Intmed math comp (usually 3 units of HS math) & suitable placement scores, or Math 100 or 101. Open to Fr. Stdts may not receive cr for both Math 112 & 114.</p>
<p>364 Introduction to Buddhism. (Crosslisted with E Asian, LCA) Irr.; 3 cr (H-I). The basic thought, practices and history of Buddhism, including selflessness and relativity, practices of meditation, merit-making and compassion from both local and translocal perspectives. Includes a discussion of Buddhism as a contemporary, North American religion. P: Open to Fr.</p>
<p>129 Introduction to Yoga Practice. I, II; 1 cr. An introduction to yoga practice, philosophy, history, and traditions.</p>
<p>2nd sem</p>
<p>Philosophy: 181 First Course for Honors. I or II; 3 cr (Z-E). P: Honors candidacy or cons inst. Open to Fr. </p>
<p>103 The Evolving Universe: Stars, Galaxies, and Cosmology. I, II; 3 cr (P-E). The universe is vast and ever-changing. Includes lifecycles of stars; supernovae and creation of elements; white dwarfs, pulsars and black holes; the Milky Way and galaxies; distances of stars and galaxies; quasars; expansion of universe; open and closed universes; the big bang. P: Open to all Undergrads. Stdts may not receive cr for both Astron 100 & 103. Not open to stdts who meet prereq for Astron 200.</p>
<p>113 Hands on the Universe. II; 1 cr (r-P-E). Exploration of the universe via computer simulation of astronomical observations. Examples of topics include telescopes, the distances to stars, the spectra of the stars, star clusters, the Hubble expansion, and the large scale structure of the universe. Discovery through observation, hypothesis, and quantitative analysis is emphasized. P: Open to all Undergrads. Intended to be taken concurrently with Astron 103. Prev Astron 100 or 103 or cons inst acceptable. Not open to stdts who have taken Astron 110.</p>
<p>112 Principles of Archaeology. I, II; 3 cr (S-E). Introduction to basic methods, techniques, and principles of modern anthropological archaeology. The nature of archaeological remains and the use of archaeological materials to study the long-term changes in human behavior. P: Open to All Undergrads.</p>
<p>281 Honors Course-Introduction to Psychology. I, II, SS; 4 cr (S-E). P: Open to Fr</p>