<p>Ur dead wrong Castel, my friend get result today. He amazingly got perfect scores after taking 7 SATs including SAT 0.5 in one day. no doubt that he starts his internship in CB this week.</p>
<p>Oh btw heres the 2 that appeared on math section of SAT .5:
1 If twice the larger of two numbers is three more than five times the smaller, and the sum of four times the larger and three times the smaller is 71 what are the numbers? </p>
<p>2 Find an odd number made up of three digits with a combined sum of twelve. All the digits are different. Calculate the number if the difference between the first two digits is equal to the difference between the last two digits.</p>
<p>^dang that looks hard.</p>
<p>How come when i go to collegeboard.com i looked up FAQ and i can't see anything about sat III?</p>
<p>^ You have to know a special CB code to access that part of the FAQ information on the Collegeboard website.</p>
<p>You'll need a score of 2000+ on the SAT I in order to request and recieve the code via e-mail from CB customer service. Look in the SAT Preperation booklet for more information.</p>
<p>:D Tell me, after you've flipped through the booklet, if you found any information on that.</p>
<li>65/7, 173/7</li>
sorry, i felt too lame to resist</li>
<p>Does anybody know a good prep course for SatIII?</p>
<p>Well, the Green book from Collegeboard is good for practice tests, though Barrons and Princeton have the best explanations and step by step walkthroughs. Kaplan's is rather bad at practice problems. It's a matter of personal preference really.</p>
<p>^ You forgot to mention that the Green book is only sold by special order. You have to get a order form from CB, and the only way to do so is score 2100+? or 2000+ I forget.
Anyone correct me if I'm wrong please.</p>
<p>Barrons is pretty good too but you have to send your SAT scores so they know you qualify for the III.</p>
<p>I thought you had to get a 2390+ to qualify for the SAT III: Ultra-Reasoning Test?</p>
<p>^ Dang. :( Only a few points away.</p>
<p>You guys really need to stop the sarcasm now. There's only SAT Reasoning and SAT Subject tests.</p>
<p>But screw the SAT, you should take the ACT and the ACT subject tests. ;0</p>
<p>i only missed one question on my SAT Xs, "find d/dx(sexy^2)"...oh, well...</p>
<p>According to the Big InSider, who is currently deeply undercover, the Big VII is in the final stages of curving: 7 hour long SAT I and three mandatory SAT IIs combined.
Thus the name: I + 3xII = VII. SAT VII.</p>
<p>Engineers of the Big VII are said to feel especially gleeful since the project development team bore the name of Big Seven Group, a direct allusion to the Mafia Big Seven Group circa 1928 (see under Frank</a> Costello).</p>
<p>The title also bears a certain connection to the Final Fantasy VII. The Big VII is The Final Fantasy come true. </p>
<p>Incidentally, the FFVII is the main source of revenue of the Big VII producer - ETS (Evocational Jesting Soullessness). ETS originally developed this game, as well as the SAT VII, under the contract for the CB (Coinage Bought). The CB used the FFVII as a war game in preparation for global domination of the U.S. System of Higher Elevation. Now the FFVII is the game of choice for both ETS and the CB staff.</p>
<p>In recent years the CB has been facing an increasingly fierce competition from the American Sausage Tasting (presently named American College Testing - ACT).
There are rumors that the ACT developers are referring to the Big VII as MOAB (Mother Of All Bleeps) and that they are feverishly working on their own project under the code name FOAB (Father Of All Bleeps). Details are sketchy, but experts believe that FOAB will include extra sections with performing arts (singing and dancing), Power Yoga and survival techniques. Each deployed FOAB will be administered in two consecutive days, the second one - in the wilderness. Those who don't return to the testing center within three business days will have their scores canceled.</p>
<p>ACT has an advantage of having to deal with just one foe – the CB.
The CB has to defend its domination aspirations from both ACT and BareChest.</p>
<p>BareChest, or The National Center for Bare & Open Chesting (presently known as FairTest, The National Center for Fair & Open Testing) is a formidable adversary.</p>
<p>While ACT is just a competitor, BareChest is an Idea Warrior.
Like bare-chested berserkers charging into battle with the utmost abandon, tiny BareChest goes berserk in its vicious attacks on the Goliathic entity of the CB.
BareChest’s battle banner reads “X SAT X!”, which led some na</p>
<p>There is such thing as the SAT -I, btw. I took it last year and got a 2100... planning to retake it in June to get a higher score.</p>
<p>It's not mandatory but it looks good on apps. Basically it tests reasoning skills but for higher-level material and sciences.</p>
<p>For more information, or to register for the SAT -I, visit the website:
<a href="http://www.sat-I.collegeboard.com%5B/url%5D">www.sat-I.collegeboard.com</a></p>
<p>omggg how could you have missed d/dx sexy squared! the answer is obvioulys too (2) sexy. that was the easiest problem on there... by far.</p>
<p>^^ i know, i know...but i was under pressure, what can i say? i only had 2 hours to answer 3 math problems...</p>
Does anybody know a good prep course for SatIII?
<p>I offer prep courses for the SAT III, they are expensive but worthwhile.
I got a perfect score, :) I'll give the free answer, it's all about the confidence! :p</p>
<p>As for the "SAT VII", so happy that I am in college already! Haha!</p>
<p>I was under the impression that the calibur of the students taking the SAT III was sufficiently high that preparation courses were unnecessary?</p>
<p>That is usually the case, but there are a lot of people of 'low caliber' who like the pluses of doing well on the SAT III, whatever those are, haha.</p>
<p>Oh, oh, I wanna take the SAT III!</p>