my future rests in the fate of financial aid!

<p>im finding out this week what sort of grants i am recieving...if i have to pay more then 5500 in tuition for next semester, i will be returning to my previous school.
i read in another post on here (its a headline post in the forums) that if i leave school with 80k in debt, ill have to pay back 720 bucks a monht for 15 YEARS!</p>

<p>on a salary that will be less then 40k? forget about it, ill be bankrupt within 2 years.</p>

<p>hopefully i can get back into this school for grad school though...can someone tell me how me going here for 1 semester will affect my grad school chances here?</p>

<p>salary less than 40K? if you did well at madison you should be aiming higher than that for STARTING unless you majored in something like woman's studies. in addition to this, 1. salaries increase each year after you start work 2. salaries are annually adjusted for inflation, so paying 130,000 over 15 years is really like paying 90,000 in current dollar purchasing power. 80K of debt is nothing worry about for someone with a wisconsin degree, and if for some reason it is a problem grad school wouldn't be the solution since it would result in 100K+ of foregone income from not working.</p>

<p>exercise science isnt exactly the highest paying salary.</p>

<p>and considering i want to go to grad school, the name on my undergrad wont be as important. however by going back to WIU i am missing out on a lot of opportunities (jobs, possible internships with the sports teams here etc). gotta do what you gotta do though, i cant justify paying back that amount of money for that amount of time.</p>

<p>I don't want to paint a too-rosy picture (as I tend to do) especially about the future career (and earning power) for someone with a UW credential. Given my personal experience and those I've known through local alum club, my response is predictedly biased - you are seriously underestimating/under-aiming your career. Talk to the UW alums (former exercise science major) before making your decision.</p>

can someone tell me how me going here for 1 semester will affect my grad school chances here?


I think it's wise to address the red flag carefully in your application so the adcom doesn't automatically assume that the academic rigor (rather than cost) is your reason of transfering back. Look out for comments made by Professor X (in the grad school forum) about how the rigor of your undergraduate institution affects your admission. </p>

<p>I will also investigate what graduate schools the exercise science majors from both schools go to - that will give you a good indicator how well each program is preceived in the grad school community.</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>this has definitely helped my decision to go back. in all honesty i wish i never came to UW to begin with. but now im here, gotta do whats best for my future!</p>

<p>gotta consider that i am also not a straight a student, i WILL get a lower GPA here as compared to WIU simply based on that here my GPA is limited to a much smaller and more difficult class selection, at WIU i already have an established GPA from prereqs and whatnot that is pretty good.</p>

<p>i just got my finincial aid package</p>

<p>out of state student</p>

<p>3500 in loans
400 in grant

<p>jenzshi haha thats exactly what I got except the addition of 2400 in Work Study Program, which is pretty pointless. </p>

<p>Also to note, UW doesn't consider any family members that are in higher education programs, such as grad school (even straight after graduating college) to be considered in determing the need of a family.</p>

<p>I got the exact same thing too...</p>

<p>All Chicago students should apply for the UW Chicago alumni scholarships directly with the local chapter. Don't Minn kids already get to pay instate tuition? What more did you expect?</p>

<p>Yeah, Minnesota kids pay reduced tuition.</p>

<p>You guys shouldn't complain, I get to pay full out-of-state tuition. With tiny loans too.</p>

<p>i had 400 in grant this semester too. next semester was gonna be closer to 4000, but thats not the only reason im transferring back to WIU.</p>

<p>grades had something to do with it, i dont work very well in the huge classroom setting =(. </p>

<p>never have, dont think i ever will</p>