<p>Our prom is coming up in a few months, and we have to sign up this week.
I can't go, however, because I don't meet the GPA requirement. My GF does, however. I told her that we could go out on our own that night, and just have some good quality time downtown or something like that.
But noooo, she HAS to go to prom, because the HAS to be seen there. With a guy.
There's this other guy Gregory, and she wants to take him as "friends," since I can't go. </p>
<p>Instead of telling me she was gonna do this, she had Gregory come up to me at lunch today and ask me if it would be okay, in front of all my friends. He asked, and I sort of sat there in amazement. I said that I didn't know,but he said that they needed to ge tickets ASAP, so I had to decide. </p>
<p>If I say yes, I'll lose her to Gregory. If I say no, she'll hate me.</p>
<p>In last period, got a text from HER that said "Well.....?"</p>
<p>Clearly she’s not worth it. Im a girl btw, and coming from me, thats a strong statement. . </p>
<p>Girls like that are complete b***hes - trust me I used to have and still have some friends that are like that to guys, and I think its just wrong.</p>
<p>Hate to be mean but your girlfriend doesn’t sound like a “great girl”. I mean come on, if she really cared about you, why would she just ditch you for something that you aren’t able to go to!? That’s terribly mean on her part! Shesh.
Well, if I were you (i’m a girl lol) but i’d dump the b****!
or text back saying “No.” haha
but seriously, come on, this has got to really hurt your feelings. So who cares, just let her do what she wants, it’s her life and if she wants to take another guy, it’s clear this isn’t going to work much longer. </p>
<p>Sorry if that was judgmental or harsh; I’m just trying to say she seems like a jerk so go find someone better! haha</p>
<p>that sucks… i have two questions, if u say no will she break up with u? and if u say yes will she REALLY go with Gregory, i mean wouldn’t she still come back to u, its just one night</p>
<p>That’s really shallow. Lots of people just go to prom stag with a bunch of friends. If she has to go, then why can’t she do that?</p>
<p>Maybe it’s a sign that she may be having problems with being in a long term relationship, but instead of talking to you about it like a mature adult, she’s blowing you off for another guy.</p>
<p>I would humor her. Surely, a single night out with a friend would pose no danger to a problem-free relationship of three years? If it would you have larger problems to worry about. Do you not trust her or something? Do you lack confidence in her fidelity? Should these issues should not have been resolved long ago…?</p>
<p>In essence, if something does develop between them then the prom was not the cause and your decision had nothing to do with it – rather, it would be a symptom of a far greater problem (speaking of which, what sort of relationship doesn’t have problems? Do you two just not talk or something?). On the other hand, if she goes and there are no unresolved issues between the two of you then you have nothing to worry about. Your choice is such: Agree to let her go and either face a loss you would have faced otherwise or make her happy, or remain adamant and either upset her at the best or lose her anyways at the worst.</p>