I’m currently a sophomore at my high school but i’m worried about my GPA being too low to be accepted into a good college. I have a 2.5 GPA(ouch) but I can tell that if I just start putting in more work into actually trying in my classes that I would have a much better GPA. My biggest problem is trying to motivate myself into actually sitting down and doing the work, I’ve tried multiple ways that really didn’t help much and I’ve created multiple schedules that after a while I just stop following. I have a pretty busy life out of school as i’m involved in boy scouts as well as track and cross country and so when I finally do get home, (around 6 p.m.) i’m just too mentally and physically exhausted that I procrastinate until late in the afternoon and then I just get stressed out because of all the work that I haven’t done. The reason that I know I can easily do better is because I barely pay attention in class, (mostly honors) and I still manage to get a high C or a low B. Help?
Unless you fix this you will not likely succeed at any college. Have you been diagnosed with ADD?
No, I have not been diagnosed with ADD, but I go to GSMST if that helps any.
You need counseling to see why you are doing poorly in school. No one here can help you.
very thoughtful Tom.
What classes do you take or are you involved in any specific school programs that maybe are limiting you?
The key to success is both motivation and determination. I’m a strong believer that not everyone should go to college, and especially so if someone is struggling in High School to do the work. The workload is only going to get harder and when it does no one is going to be there to hold your hand and help you get it done. I wish you the best of luck in bringing up your grades, but if you think to yourself that college and education isn’t something you really want there’s nothing wrong with it. Plumbers, Electricians, and many other careers that don’t require a college degree are highly respectable.
honestly, I had the same probelm in freshman year. I was in sports and tried to balance a lot. But my 2.9 that year showed me I can’t.
Consider focusing more on school. I still do sports, but I put school first. Yeah, getting home at 6pm is grueling and you are tired, but get over it. It took me months to realize that everyone else is struggling, so I shouldnt complain.
plus, going to a good college is overrated. It’s not the gateway to a successful life, and im sure you know that. But, I think the discipline a high schooler goes through to qualify to attend a prestigious college is wholly beneficial.
Good luck, school is a pain, but its on you. You said you dont pay attention in class, you cant motivate yourself, and you have a rather low gpa. This site isnt to console you. I hope you can find that motivation, because you determine your future.
You have two issues that need to be addressed separately. For the motivation issues, you should consider meeting with a therapist. While TomSr was a bit gruff, he’s right. That area is for professionals.
As to GPA, there are great schools that accept B students and provide the support and academics that help them to thrive. Look at The College of Wooster, for example, that has a nationally recognized senior research experience for every student who attends.
I am currently taking honors chem, honors langauge arts, geometry, Ap world history, Ap anatomy and a team sports class
I agree with @MidwestDad3. There are plenty of colleges that will accept a B or even a C student. If you are not that self motivated these types of colleges might be best for you. However, people change and mature and you might surprise yourself as you get older. There is also the option of starting at a community college and transferring into a good college from there.
Also, is the 2.5 an unweighted GPA or weighted? Colleges will add extra points onto your honors & AP classes so your GPA might not be as bad as you think.
Procrastination is your own worst enemy. My suggestion is you set aside one hour each day and do schoolwork. Put away your phone and turn off the TV.
yes, I agree, I procrastinate a little too much, but its not because of any distractions like tv and electronics.
I’m striving to major in something in the medical field, like neuroscience and chemistry to become an anesthesiologist. I know this is a pretty far stretch considering my GPA now, and my 2 weakest subjects happen to be science and math.
If you go into medicine your GPA in college will have to increase to about a 3.5 when you are in college. However, just because you have a low GPA in high school does not mean you can’t reach your goal if you are willing to put in the amount of work it will take to get there. Considering your low GPA now you probably won’t get into the best undergraduate college but no one is going to care about what undergraduate college you went to when you are in medical school. What you need to get into medicine is a solid GPA while in college, a solid MCAT score. Volunteering at a hospital and doing research will also help you. But you have to stop procrastinating - procrastinating is really just a fear of failure. It is a weakness and something that you have to overcome. Hopefully it is just a maturity issue - my son used to procrastinate and lucky for him he matured out of it and was able to get into a top college.
Thanks Amy, i’m definitely considering a job that’s all about helping people but I haven’t decided whether I want to take up a job as serious as anesthesiology or another job in the medical field. I have however, decided to start taking school more seriously and try harder. I do realize that with my current GPA my chances of getting into a college of my choice is pretty slim.
What do I want to do in life? How do I plan on doing it? Does it require a college education? Ask yourself these questions, and adjust it to your work habits accordingly.
Want to be a doctor, engineer, programmer, or anything of value to our society?
If yes, then chances are you need a good education.
What do I need to do to get a good education?
Go to a good college.
What should I have to go to a good college?
Good grades.
Try your absolute hardest in high school, because it’ll pay off exponentially.
@runner31 Your grades are rather poor right now, but you can only benefit from trying harder. At worst, you will likely have learned more, and at best, your grades could improve enough for many respectable institutions to take you seriously.
Work needs to come before play. If u can’t handle academic demands and ECs, then u need to cut back on the ECs.
Unless u a recruitable track star, track does not outweigh grades.
No one besides GMT saw the schedule issue?
You need need to get home not exhausted. Consider dropping something. Then if you have continuing issues, you get some help to evaluate your goals and find better balance.
If my kids told me that, I would think they are spending way too much time on sports and Boy Scouts.