<p>There happened to be a huge mistake about a missing assignment that I had in March for my japanese class. Last day to turn in anything was Friday and without this, it's impossible for me to get an A. I'm planning on trying to convince my teacher to accept the assignment tomorrow...</p>
<p>If I have a B, I will have two Bs this semester. The other in calc...my uw gpa was about 3.8 and weighted is around 4.5...With this it just shows that my grade dropped...</p>
<p>What makes it worse is that this class is my only regular class, not AP/Honors.</p>
<p>I don't know how much this'll affect me for the schools I truly want to attend next year. Especially USC.</p>
<p>The problem is that I had mistaken one assignemnt for another, and turned in a 10 pt assignment vs the 100 pt one. But yeah, this is highly stressful and I'm completely distraught.</p>
<p>It probably won't be a 3.8 after this semester with that B.</p>
<p>I messed up on a huge paper and made a careless error and got a high c instead of a high b, and I got .4 off my overall cumulatie year average (100 point scale) , which sucks, but it won't make a difference on which college I get into.</p>
<p>Anyways, take comfort in the fact that the chance that it makes a difference on what college you get into is like 0.</p>
<p>And that's what really matters, right? Who cares if your gpa drops .1, it won't matter in the big scheme of things</p>
<p>Does it really not matter? Since it is a downward trend and all...and my AP scores won't be so hot either. The only thing that was good was my weighted GPA and 30 ACT. My ECs aren't that extraordinary or anything</p>
<p>An unweighted 3.8 is fine. USC is a really understanding schoool. If you're good in everything else I think you'll do great and it won't even make a difference. Don't sweat it. Good Luck! :)</p>