<p>I already made a chance thread but that was a while ago and I'm sorry I know this must be annoying but the anxiety! I'm applying ED to CAS. Undecided but leaning towards biology w/ a music minor?</p>
<p>Notes: I transferred between semesters of Junior year and as a result hated school enough for my grades to be a lot of b's... also you know the whole parents divorce deal going on my freshman-now deal. There's just a lot of emotional stuff that my guidance counselor is willing to explain in my recommendation.</p>
<p>gpa: very bad- 3.5/4.4
sat: on saturday- 2200 goal
sat 2: bio m- 770, ush- 750, math 2- they only want 2 right?
act: 32---> 34 soon hopefully
class rank: top 3% went down to top 6% when I moved. In my new school the ranking is very messed up (it must be very easy to get a's here, but again, I think it won't be a problem since my ranking should be compared with where I was for a longer time? I've only completed one semester here...)</p>
<p>-Very rigorous schedule
-10 AP sophomore and junior year--> going for 7 tests this year. (because I want to...) 4's and 5's on all tests. National AP Scholar.
-Dual enrollment- 3 classes at a university
-Accepted to a math and science magnet school upon moving. 50-60 per grade.
-I don't know if this matters but my guidance counselor was going to hand me my diploma in January but I said I'd stick out the rest of the year even though I hate it here.</p>
<p>Senior year:
At university: Philosophy, Western Literature, Western History, next semester 3 more classes
At math and science center: AP Physics C, AP Calc BC, Organic Chemistry--> Biochemistry, Evolution of Scientific Thought--> Bio-ethics</p>
<p>EC's: Lots and lots of music. A ton. Involved in many different concert bands throughout the community and state. Section leader, solo clarinet at the university... you know the deal. It's what I'm highlighting in my app. because I'd like to pursue a music minor.</p>
<p>NHS, Community service around town, Volunteering at the hospital.
Science Olympiad since Freshman year, Science Bowl
German club?
Tennis and Cross Country, though it was JV
There aren't too many clubs where I'm from... as in rural Midwest.</p>
<p>Again, EC's were effected by randomly just leaving in the middle of the year.</p>
<p>Recommendations: I think they will be amazing because I loved these teachers and they really liked me.
Essay: My common app. essay is pretty unique I think. It's analyzing a piece of music and comparing the interpretation to my views on music... so I'm hoping it will help me. My why penn- okay I think. Needs work. p. 217- I really like this one actually. Though it's still under construction. Idk, I'm pretty confident in my writing ability and being able to have my personality show... </p>
<p>I think that is all. ED... I don't want to get my hopes up but I'd be the happiest person if I could somehow get in. I really want to be able to explain my situation at home and school without sounding whiny... so I'm trying to balance that out. Thanks guys, I will stop these posts now. Ha.</p>