<p>Hey, everyone. I'm new to the forums, and I just so happen to be new to high school as well. I'm a freshman at a college-prep school. For the most part, my grades for the first quarter were decent. 3.876...GPA, and I'm taking 2 out of 3 advanced classes (English and Biology; Math being my weak point), but my biology grade was a B (90-92). This coming quarter/end of semester, it could be drastically lower. </p>
<p>Now, I want to be a doctor when I grow up, and it would make me unbelievably, ***<em>-myself-with-joy ecstatic, if I could get into an Ivy League school as well. Those two things have basically been my *dream</em> since as long as I can remember. </p>
<p>If this weak biology grade going to kill me? Any comments or suggestions would be great.</p>