<p>Okay so here's my deal -
I need to take the subject sat for chemistry before college apps, preferably spring 2012 (I'm a rising junior). The problem is that I haven't taken even the basic chemistry course and I was thinking of self studying ap chem and taking the ap chem test as well so I'm definitely prepared for the subject sat. I really need/want to take the chem subject sat because some of the schools I'm really interested in have that as a requirement or recommendation. From here on out, how would I proceed to study for the subject sat for chem although haven't taken the basic course yet? First of all is it doable? (i'm shooting for 750+) and if so, what books should I use? Is there some kind of study method that's been useful? Any advice would be appreciated! Ty!</p>
<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/sat-subject-tests-preparation/1168167-consolidated-book-suggestions-sat-ii-please-sticky.html?highlight=chemistry+sat[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/sat-subject-tests-preparation/1168167-consolidated-book-suggestions-sat-ii-please-sticky.html?highlight=chemistry+sat</a></p>
<p>All about books.</p>
<p>Bump…any more suggestions?</p>
<p>I found that chem is very self-studyable. Just get PR or Barrons book for reference. It seems you have lots of time before college apps so I am reccomending “Khan’s Academy”. Basically, it is LOTS of youtube videos fully explaining concepts in various subjects. I found hte chemistry videos incredibly helpful when I was unsure of something. I am sure they will be helpful to someone without a basic chem course.</p>