My SAT scores didn't get there...

<p>So I had asked my counselor to send in my SAT scores with my transcript, but that didn't happen. And I couldn't really ask him to send them over christmas break. And the deadline was January 1st. Would they still accept them if I send them in late?</p>

<p>it was my understanding that all scores had to be received from college board (or ACT) in order to be considered official. So, while they will definitely accept them late, I believe they need to come from college board and not the school, even if they appear on the transcript.</p>

<p>Explain your situation to the school - more than likely, they’ll be understanding.</p>

<p>And at Modadunn, some schools accept them on the transcript. Depends - you have to really read on the school’s website or call and ask. Another person started a thread on here about how you can use the OP’s method to save money and not waste 10 bucks per school to send scores.</p>

<p>Yeah I had called earlier and they said it was ok if i send it through my transcript (saving me 10 bucks). But I kind of wish now that I did send them through collegeboard so that they would have gotten there in time. I don’t know how flexible they will be though. Everything else is in</p>

<p>They’re letting me send in my prose late because our school system had an emergency closing right before break. Basically, it wasn’t my fault and the common app got in on time so they didn’t really care. Sarah, the admissions officer I talked to actually was very chill about it. It seems like it happens all the time. Call them to let them know that your counselor messed up, ask said counselor to write a nice email or a note, and then get them sent ASAP.
Don’t freak out about it. Hamilton sent a letter out with situations admitted students had while doing their applications.</p>

<p>^ I might suggest you never say, “my counselor messed up.” There could have been an “unfortunate miscommunication” or an “error in sending,” but when there might be need for colleges to contact counselor, having it out there that you think the counselor was at fault is not exactly building bridges. Just a tip. :)</p>