My story is very different, what are my chances for umiami?

Ok so I’ve come to this discussion board looking for people’s opinion, my college counselors and even some of the admissions officers are so confused by me. I am a us citizen and resident of a New England state but in freshman year I was sent to boarding school in Australia. Some schools consider me an international applicant but others don’t. I had around a 3.2 unweighted gpa but I took all highest level classes. I rowed for my 4 years (which was basically a full time job at around 40 hours a week) I also did about 8 hours of community service a week and I was house captain in senior year (think of hogwarts houses where it’s interschool competition and who you reported to for disciplinary action. So basically I was in charge of 150+ kids from grades 7-12. All in all I’m not really sure if I’ll get in, I could’ve stayed home in the states and succeeded academically for high school but I’ve always been really interested in international relations and going to school overseas was a really great way for me to get a different perspective and only made me more sure of what I want to do in the future. SAT scores don’t matter as umiami won’t accept them because I went to school out of USA. Also fluent in Spanish as mother was born in Venezuela and taught me Spanish from a young age. Any thoughts on if I have a shot on getting in?

Wait. U of Miami won’t accept SAT scores from outside the country?

Does that happen?

Truthfully, you should be talking to UofMiami Adcoms to see what they say.

^ This sounded odd to me also, so I checked and OP is correct, U of Miami does not accept SAT/ACT if applicants have attended school outside of the US.

However, for the OP, as a US citizen, you should be considered a domestic applicant, not an international student. If there is any ambiguity, I suggest that you contact the schools in question directly before you apply to avoid potential confusion.

Your boarding school will submit a school report that will speak to the rigor of the courses you took and where your GPA falls within your class. That will enable ad coms to better interpret your record.

I sent my sat scores anyways, but the languages they used was “If you attend school outside of the United States you should not send sat scores” which I assume means they’ve had people like me before who are U.S. citizens but went to high school overseas or held duel citizenship.