My summer plans are broken

Hey Guys,

So I am currently a sophomore, and I am trying to plan ahead and figure out what I will be doing over the summer. I have been doing a ton of research on what do over the summer and came up with a couple of possibilities. I could go to this Summer Ventures STEM Research program, but I can only do that if I don’t get into this boarding school for junior and senior year. So my other plans are trying to find a research position at my local university. I am emailing a lot of professors, but I have not gotten any replies back yet. My other idea was to take Multivariable Calculus at my local university. Finally, there are a couple of other math camps that I have learned about, but they are very expensive and are far away from home. Also, I have to apply to them, and I am not sure if I have that good of a chance of getting into them. Now, I have all these nice opportunities, and things are very calm. But then my mom starts talking to me and she’s like… “Oh yeah. We’re going to India over the summer.” Now everything is crazy and I don’t know what to do. The trip is supposed to be from mid June to the end of July. However, my parents said they are ok with letting me come by myself near the end of June if I have any important things during that time.

I have no clue what to do. I had all of these idea in mind for summer, and now this happens. Almost all of my activities that I was thinking about doing conflict with the India trip. I also don’t want to try to get completely out of the India trip because it’s been 2 years since I went, and I don’t want to stay behind, even if my parents would let me, but they probably wouldn’t anyway. I was thinking I might do some online course or something, or maybe I would find something to do in India, but I really have no idea. Pleassse Help.

Just go to India and enjoy your summer?

Im going to India too from June 1-19. Just relax and spend time with our family we see once every few years, and come back and work hard to finish summer assignments.

bump bump

You could always volunteer at an orphanage, tutor some kids in English, write poems about the different lifestyles and enter them into contests. Going to India might not have been in your original plans, but this could be a great opportunity to learn more about your heritage and rack up some karma points.

And I thought I had a summer from heaven if I could go to the pool all summer.