<p>Hey, was wondering if any of you have applied to any Summer programs, interships or such?!
What are your plans for the summer :)</p>
<p>I plan to be completely and utterly unproductive during the summer
Just kidding, I’ll work on looking at different colleges and complete some long due personal projects. Let’s see how it works out. Will summer break in colleges be 2 months long? Doubt it.</p>
<p>Definitely no summer programs. Though I might just try and look for an internship.</p>
<p>I’m going to write an iOS app :)</p>
<p>Would be creating a social networking site with my brother.</p>
<p>Ascaris, just because you mentioned about coding an iOS app:</p>
<p>I’m currently working on a web app task manager with much the similar OS as that of Google (nope, we’re not copying code) for my school (session ends in June). Anyways, we’re building it from ground up, without borrowing any code, so it is really exciting :D</p>
<p>I’ll be learning some languages and advancing my digital designing so that I can start doing what you guys have mentioned before me :)</p>
<p>So guys, which one of you is going to be the next Mark Zuckerberg? Haha :P</p>
<p>Will spend a month visiting the homeland! So internships are pretty much out of the question. Remaining time will be spent learning random things and hopefully, doing some sort of volunteering activity. </p>
<p>Tizil, summer breaks in college are actually about three months long!</p>
<p>Working in the start up my friend at Cornell created… Its about developing electricity in rural areas…</p>
<p>Quizzing :)</p>
<p>City to city. And then conducting some for schoolkids in August.</p>
<p>That, and ofc…sooooooo much reading i’ve been postponing. Revisiting all my Amar Chitra Kathas/Asterix/Tintin and stuff like Glimpses of World History and Art Histor…and so much more I’m excited :)</p>
<p>Writing my SAT again. -.-</p>
<p>Summer research programs, hopefully. :)</p>
<p>Do you guys know of any good summer programs taking place in India?</p>
<p>There’s this In-V-Ent-Ed program hosted jointly by Futureworks consulting and Columbia University. Apparently, the vice dean of the Columbia Fu Foundation School of Engineering is going to be monitoring over the program. It mainly concerns entrepreneurship and its ventures. It’ll take place in Delhi and probably some other places too, though I’m not sure about them. Its a bit pricey though - Rs. 1,00,000.</p>
<p>Why is it only in India?
Time to search for some good programs in Western Europe :o</p>
<p>Its not only in India, its in U.A.E., Turkey and China too. Though thats probably not gonna solve your problem. :P</p>
<p>^^idream, more info please…PM me</p>
<p>oh and tizil, dont go :eek: , u will be accepted at great univs anyway… </p>
<p>@idream, the UAE you say? Care to PM me some more information?</p>
<p>I’ll meet the underprivileged kids I taught 2 summers back and spend more time teaching them! And will work on taking my ambidexterity thingy further. And will learn the 3x3 rubik’s cube faster and 4x4 cube too. And have a list of books I have to complete/start- incognito, blink, more Ayn Rands (Anthem…) and other little things like that
And, of course, watching a ton of movies, coz I have watched barely any the last 2 years :’(
Yes, I sound silly compared to all the greats out here ;)</p>
<p>anybody intrested in UIUC aeronautical summer program, its just one week and 650$ worth, its quite gud bcoz it is sponsered by NASA.</p>
<p>[ISGC:</a> Illinois Aerospace Institute](<a href=“http://www.ae.illinois.edu/IAI/index.html]ISGC:”>http://www.ae.illinois.edu/IAI/index.html)</p>