my third one (essay)

<p>didn't quite work i barely got 500 words and made it right at the time limit. I kept on having to turn youtube on and off. I did't elaborate on my example enough and my conclusion is weak. Also, didnt link the paragraphs together well enough. Ill fix and resend.</p>

<p>Do actions speak louder than words ?</p>

<p>Romeo and juliet
Rosa parks</p>

<p>Actions speak louder than words</p>

<pre><code>A persons true feelings is only known by their actions they perform. Many people chose to convey their feelings by speaking them. This allows full range of emotions to be expressed. Rage, happiness, and love are all easily masked with spoken words. However, to judging a person by their actions reveals their true intentions. This is shown throughout history and literature. Gandhi show Indians that they could be Independent by marching for salt. In addition, Rosa Parks showed she was strongly opposed to segregation of Americans by failing to obey the law. Finally, Romeo and Juliet signified their love for each by committing suicide.

<p>Gandhi’s actions showed his deep feelings about India's independence. During the early nineteen century Indian was under British Rule. To fight for Indians independence Ganhdi used the salt law to symbolically show Indians that they could be independent. At this time, it was illegal to harvest salt. Since salt was used by all Indians this made the Indians reliant on the British. Gandhi marched 284 miles to collect salt from the ocean. As a result, Indians learned how to make their own salt. It also decreased India’s reliance on the British. During the next election, Indians seperated from British Rule by electing their own president. Words are powerful motivators but the actions of Gandhi showed Indians could survive without British rule. </p>

<p>Rosa Parks didn’t make a grand gesture, but showed a person’s true intetions can only be known through their actions. During the 1960’s blacks were segregated from whites in Montgomery Georgia. One of the laws required blacks to give up their seat to whites on buses. Rosa Parks made a statement that words couldn’t convey. She refused to give up her seat to a white man. This showed her true feelings that the law segregating blacks was wrong. As a result, she was arrested and sent to jail. Rosa Parks showed true feelings can only be known by the actions performed.</p>

<p>Romeo and Juliet in Shakespear’s play demonstrates true love can only be conveyed by actions. Romeo and Juliet were teenage lovers. They love each other very much. But there families were feuding. As a result they were forbidden to see each other. This has no effect on Romeo and Juliet’s love.They secretly meet under Juliet’s balcony and confess their love for each other. To consumate their undying love for each other they both decide to committ suicide Saying the words “I Love you” has a lot of strength. But giving your life is the ultimate gesture that show actions are stronger than words. </p>

<p>In conclusion, no matter how strong words are, they can never express feelings as well as action can. Actions require strong conviction to pefrom them. This is shown in hisotry and literature with the actions of Ghandi, Rosa Parks and Romeo and Juliet. Therefore, to gauge a persons true intention actions should be closely monitored.</p>

<p>im no grader or expert on the SAT essay…</p>

<p>but you have some serious errors in the first paragraph (first sentence even)</p>

<p>work on your grammar.</p>

<p>ye work on my typing is more like it. I didn’t proof it since i ran out of time.</p>

<p>Actions speak louder than words</p>

<pre><code>A person’s true feelings are only known by the actions they perform. Many people choose to convey their feelings by speaking. This allows a full range of emotions to be expressed. But it often leads to misinterpretation. However, a person’s actions reveals their true intentions. This is shown in history and literature. Gandhi showed Indians that they could live Independently by marching for salt. In addition, Romeo and Juliet made the ultimate gesture of their love for each by committing suicide. Finally, Rosa Park’s showed she strongly opposed segregation of black Americans by failing to obey the bus laws.

<p>By Marching for salt Gandhi showed his deep feelings about India’s indepedence. During the early nineteen century India was under British Rule. At this time, it was illegal to harvest salt. Since salt was used by all Indians, it made the them reliant on the British. Gandhi symbolically showed India could live independently. He marched marched 284 miles to Dandi to collect salt from the ocean. This showed Indians that they could obtain their own salt. Its larger impact was showing Indians that they could live independently. During the next election, India separated from British rule by electing their own president. Words are powerful motivators but Gandhi showed India could survive without British rule. </p>

<p>In Shakespeare’s play, Romeo and Juliet demonstrate true love can only be revealed by their actions. Romeo and Juliet were teenage lovers. They love each other very much. But there families were feuding. As a result they were forbidden to see each other. This has no effect on Romeo and Juliet’s love. They secretly meet under Juliet’s balcony and confessed their love for each other. To consummate their love for each other they both decide to commit suicide They believed this was the only way they could be together forever. Although they said the words “I Love You” many times, giving your life is the ultimate gesture that shows actions are stronger than words. </p>

<p>Rosa Parks didn’t speak about the injustice she faced, but showed her intentions can only be known through their actions. During the 1960’s blacks were segregated from whites in Montgomery, Alabama. One of the laws required blacks to give up their seat to whites on buses. Rosa Parks sat behind the area reserved for whites. Rosa Parks made a statement that words couldn’t convey. She disobeyed the drivers request to give up her seat to a white man. As a result, she was arrested and sent to jail. Rosa Parks showed true feelings can only be known by the actions performed.</p>

<p>In conclusion, no matter how strong words are, they can never express feelings as well as actions can. Actions are concreted rather than vague. This makes it easy to distinguish the true intentions of a person’s actions. Also, strong conviction is needed to perform many actions. Gandhi, Rosa Parks and Romeo and Juliet showed actions speak louder than words.</p>

<p>your first sentence is still faulty. i don’t know how you’re going to break 700 even if u get a 12 with this. and i doubt u’re gona get a 12 with the first obivous error.

<p>Its not for SAT–Im going to tech school–in canada.</p>

<p>I already finished my degree’s at university. But they are making take this test since my education is over 5 years old. </p>

<p>Its accuplacer for an hour–Its easy…<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt; basically it-</p>

<p>I don’t have to do math since my marks are too high. I also skip the first term of biology and chem–</p>

<p>some grammar but nothing major. Some sentences for reading comprehension and i have to score 5/6 on my essay but 99% of the people do…</p>

<p>Its a horrible way to write but that’s what they want it</p>

<p>first sentence is thesis its ok but not a super good thesis. No big deal its good enough</p>

<p>A person’s true feelings are only known by the actions they perform–i believe you can only know how a person feels by looking at their actions.</p>