My two cents on majors.

<p>So many of you still looking for a major. Well, really it doesn't usually come easy. I also had to change my major once. I used to be a Biology major (science) and recently changed it to Linguistics with emphasis on Asian cultures and languages (english). Guess that put made me waste my time taking science classes that I don't really need anymore. Also, my GPA suffered from it.
See, it took me a while to find my actual calling. I wanted to be a Pharmacist before but I was disheartened after a while and found out that this really isn't for me. Yeah, they get paid pretty well but I really don't want to be stuck in that anymore.
I wanted to travel. I really did. So when I started taking Korean as a language in my CC, I kind of just got attracted to the culture and eventually Japan and other Asian countries. There was just something that pulled me in.
So here I am, from Biology to Linguistics hoping to teach English in those countries. I'd rather do something I like, travel, than be loaded in money but have no time to what I really want, pharmacy.</p>

<p>P.S. Besides, I can just be a Pharmacy Tech if I want to try it. I can, did the schooling, just not taking the board at the moment.</p>