<p>My application was postponed back in December and when I just logged onto MY UW I noticed it looks a little different. I see in the top left a SOAR Registration tab which I am 99% sure was not there before, but in the student center it still says my application was postponed. Does this new tab, along with Campus Quicks and other things of the sort. Is this an early sign of admission?</p>

<p>I also was postponed and I now see this Soar Registration Tab. It says,
Questions about your admission status should be directed to the Office of Admissions at <a href=“”></a> or 608–262–3961. Check back here for information about the SOAR Program after you have received notification of admission.</p>

<p>“After you have received notification of admission,” does that mean that I was admitted?</p>

<p>I believe the Soar tab was always there, but previously it was much smaller and only said “Check back later”, now they’ve started to put more info there as many questions were coming in from those already accepted about registering for SOAR. Also, for those that don’t already know, make sure you read on the website about new requirements for Placement Tests. They are no longer offered during SOAR. The info is all available on the website.</p>

<p>To your original question, I don’t believe it’s an indicator of an admission decision. While there have been many ideas posted about how something on MyUW or Student Center are “tipping” a decision in advance, I don’t think any of them have proven out. Until you get the e-mail and your status changes on Student Center, you don’t actually know the result.</p>