My Weird Case

I'm new here, so I'm sorry if I'm posting this in the wrong place.
I'm an Indian student in an international school in Bangkok, currently enrolled in the IB Diploma Program. I have had a good record at school, and my school is quite competitive. My cumulative GPA from grades 9-11 is a weighted 3.8, SAT is 1880/1900 (best of two sittings), and my ibt TOEFL is a 116. I had a 4.09 and 3.97 for the two semesters in my junior year, and have several extracurriculars in MUN, cross country, theater stage design, volunteer community service etc. I want to apply to colleges for an undergraduate program in Psychology. </p>

<p>My problems however are that during my first semester in senior year I had some confidence issues and had a tough time at school. I ended up making 1 A, 3 B's, 1 D, and 1 F in my IB classes. I realize this is a huge disaster. Also because of this phase during my first semester, I didn't start on my application process in time.</p>

<p>I now, however, am trying my best to make the most of what I have. I have applied to schools such as Drexel, Rollins, Wooster, Kalamazoo, Coe, and Dickinson. I however am afraid that they may not accept me due to my senior grades. </p>

<p>Do you know any schools that still may be open to applications and may accept me despite my senior grades? I know schools in Canada have later deadlines, but would they accept these senior grades. I am working on having better second semester grades.</p>

<p>What advice has your guidance counselor given you about this? Often the counselors at schools like yours are very good at matching their students with colleges and universities in the US.</p>

<p>Since you had such a bad first semester, you might want to consider taking a Gap Year and applying for admission for fall 2013. That would allow all of the colleges and universities on your list to see not just your final grades, but also your final IB scores, and it would be very clear to them that you are back on track.</p>

<p>Other than late application dates, what is the basis for your current list? What is your probable major, and what are your longer-term career goals? Are you looking at colleges and universities as places you would want to stay at for four years, or are you hoping to transfer out after a year or two? That information would factor into any suggestions we might make. Here is one link to lists of institutions with Late and Rolling Admissions [List</a> of Late Deadline Schools- Locate Colleges with Late Application Deadlines at](<a href=“]List”>College Search | College Finder | Colleges by Major & Location)</p>

<p>Wishing you all the best!</p>