<p>So I dont know what to make of my situation. </p>
<p>My high school grades were horrible. I managed to barely pull off a 2.8 gpa(I did take some accelerated and ap classes which i did well on). My standardized scores however were a 2140 on my SATs and a 30 on my ACTs. The reason why i didnt go to a 4 year college right away (Im sure i could of gotten into some so-so school) was because truthfully, I was not ready to leave. My parents separated the beginning of my senior year. My Dad left the house (still yet to hear from him) sometime shortly after. After he left my mom was left with a huge financial burden, debt, loans left behind by my father. As you can see, paying for college was slightly out of my reach. I decided to attend my local community college in order to stay behind and help her out a bit.
I am at my local community college and am doing really well(I think so). I have a 3.4 Gpa my first semester/ Im hoping to pull off a 3.7/3.8 my next one. I want to apply for my next spring semester, but am willing to stay behind another semester.</p>
<p>Now that things have gotten slightly better for my family I am looking for a college in which I have a chance of getting into. I absolutely love psychology and want to pursue it as my major. Im trying to find a relatively small school in the east coast or the south(5,000-12,000 students) with an excellent psychology program. </p>
<p>Can someone push me into the right way and suggest a couple schools. It would be much appreciated.</p>
<p>A great place to start is the transfer advising office at your current CC.
Start with this question: are there any colleges that have guaranteed transfer arrangements with this CC?</p>
<p>I have started started to talk to the transfer advisors at my school. They have schools such as rutgers, temple, TCNJ, Rider etc. Dont get me wrong. The schools are no bad at all, but the schools dont seem to be a fit for me. I know rutgers has an nice psychology program, but the school is just too big for me. I guess i mean to say that I am looking for a college beyond the state of New Jersey.</p>
<p>Wow, we are in the exact same position, in the exact same state. </p>
<p>My advice to you is to wait and transfer as a junior. If you can pull off a cum gpa in the 3.5-3.8 range, you’ll be competetive to schools like Umich, University of Wisconson-Madison, or the University of Maryland (all of which have excellent psychology programs). If you want to transfer as a sophmore, you’ll have a harder time as many of the schools will put an emphasis on your low highschool grades. Good luck to you!</p>
<p>Oh btw, whatever you do don’t transfer to Northwestern U; I don’t want any more competition</p>
<p>haha I was also thinking about applying to tulane. I have been there before and love that environment. Does anyone think I have a chance?</p>
<p>What about SUNY New Paltz? They have a good psych dept. and affordable tutition. Undergrad population around 6,000. One and a half hours to NYC.</p>
<p>Temple’s not in New Jersey.</p>
<p>I know. its just one of the schools that my community college has an agreement with.</p>