myBama Account

<p>A while after I was accepted I got a letter telling me my CWID and to set up a myBama account, but this was already done back when I applied so… do they just send this to everyone without checking to see if we already have one, or do I have to re-do it or something? Just thought it was weird. ps: tomorrow is the last day to take the ACT for scholarships and I for one am super stressed considering I am still one point under where I want to be. Good luck to anyone else in a panic like me!</p>

<p>Good luck, mavs! We’re rooting for you!!</p>

<p>A while after I was accepted I got a letter telling me my CWID and to set up a myBama account, but this was already done back when I applied so… do they just send this to everyone without checking to see if we already have one, or do I have to re-do it or something?</p>

<p>I’m not sure if you have to re-do this or not. Were you logged in as a guest before? I’m concerned that your CWID won’t be tied in with your mybama account.</p>

<p>Good luck with the ACT tomorrow, Mavs2011! My D is taking it tomorrow also (although she’s only a junior). I’ll be thinking positive thoughts for both of you.</p>

<p>Yes…good luck to all who are taking the ACT tomorrow!</p>

<p>Good luck to all taking the ACTs today! Sending good thoughts your way!</p>

<p>You don’t have to redo anything. The same thing happened to me. If you already set up your account, you can now use it to apply for Honors.</p>

<p>I hope the test went well!</p>

<p>Alright thanks for all the input. I didn’t think I needed to do anything else, but I’m glad to hear you confirm it crazyinalabama11. Also thanks for all the testing well wishes! I feel like this was my worst testing, but I don’t know if being stressed made me actually do bad or just think I did bad… I guess all we can do is wait until Nov 7, but I know I will be crushed if I miss the 2/3 tution by one point. On a side note I got a happy birthday card from UA admissions today which was a nice touch. Alabama makes you feel a lot more wanted than other places.</p>

<p>Go to mybama and click on the “look up classes” link.</p>

<p>Does your CWID show up before your name on the right hand side?</p>

<p>My S got a b’day card today too. That was a nice touch.</p>