MyUM Fin Aid Keeps Changing

<p>Son's online tuition bill keeps changing. Stafford loans were not listed until this week even though he applied long ago and now his work study which had been listed has disappeared. Are others experiencing fluctuations? Thought we would wait a week before calling in case they are busy making adjustments.</p>

<p>It’s going to change a lot between now and when your bill is due. Every time a new scholarship comes in, a scholarship adjusts, or a fee from the school adjusts, UM emails about it. It’s kinda unnecessary, but for the most part, everything should be right by the time your bill is due. If something changes after that, they’ll let you know.</p>

<p>maybe one of you might know this - is the health insurance part of the tuition or is it considered separate? I got a package in the mail about 2 weeks ago stating that I need to get it if I’m not on my parents.</p>

<p>My bill was calculated with health insurance included, but you can opt out of it with your parents’ health insurance and save yourself like $2,000 a year.</p>

<p>how do I know what my bill looks like? I need the health insurance so I’m not complaining about it, but I do need to know if it’s already included in my tuition.</p>

<p>Log into MyUM, go to Student–Financial, click Billing and Online Payments, and click Fall 2011.</p>

<p>it doesn’t give me a break down of what I’m paying for, it just gives me a balance.</p>


<p>Since you are new to myUM, I would highly suggest you call Student Account Services (SAS) at the number provided in the link:</p>

<p>[Student</a> Account Services | Finance and Treasury | University of Miami](<a href=“]Student”>Financial Affairs | University of Miami)</p>

<p>The “Opting-out” of Student Health Insurance requires that you certify your family health insurance covers you in the same manner as UM’s Student Health Insurance plan. It is a good idea for a parent to help you with this, since they know your plan best. Remember, if you have an HMO you will need to designate a local Primary Care manager who may or may not be a provider at UM’s Student Health Center. Injuries and illness can occur and you need to be covered. My experience with billing? It is invaluable that you get to know the staff at SAS and make sure your parents get to know them as well. They are terrific people who try their best, but glitches can occur and their is nothing like being able to call someone you know to help. This ability to call and talk to a caring person is one of UM’s real strengths…You are not a number there, take advantage of it.</p>

<p>I actually don’t have insurance and I’m not covered by my parents anymore. Would it still be helpful to call them? Also, do you know if they offer different plans or if it’s one standard plan for everyone? I want to know if it’s part of my tuition as well being that I’m not seeing a broken down statement of my bill.</p>


<p>Always helpful to call. I believe the plan is one standard for all students who pay for it. They can also help you navigate myUM so you can see the breakdown of the charges (the bill normally has a line item for each charge).</p>

<p>Sabrina - the detail is there in myUM - just click on the “Fall 2011” link to drop down the detail and scroll down - you should see a complete itemization of the total bill.

<p>thanks a lot! I see the list now and the health insurance is part of my tuition.</p>

<p>does anyone know how good or bad this insurance is and what is covers?</p>

<p>[Insurance</a> Information | University of Miami](<a href=“,1770,2553-1;31032-2,00.html#Domestic]Insurance”>,1770,2553-1;31032-2,00.html#Domestic)</p>

<p>My financial aid change. The U sent me a message saying that they revised my aid.
They gave me more money. How about you guys? did you get any changes?</p>

<p>mine hasn’t changed. I paid off my balance already (the difference that the grants and few loans didn’t cover). I’m wondering if it would change now that I already have $0 balance.</p>